Why Do Dogs Shake Their Toys?

Why Do Dogs Shake Their Toys?

Many times we don’t understand some dog behaviors, so it’s worth learning more. For example, in this article we will answer the following question:  Why do dogs shake their toys? You will be amazed by the answer!

Dogs rock their toys

All dogs love to play, especially as puppies. You may have seen your dog grab an object (his or her own) and shake it uncontrollably. It may seem strange to you, but to them it is normal.

Regardless of its size, your dog  will not be able to help but slam a toy from side to side,  whether alone or in company. Surely you have happened to throw an object at him and when he approaches to bring it back, he begins to shake it or squeeze it with all his strength. What is the cause of this behavior?

Reasons Why Dogs Shake Their Toys

dogs shake objects

You must remember  that dogs have wild origins and are not born domesticated. Many of their behaviors are due to this. If your dog shakes toys or objects, it can be for the following reasons:

1. Hunter instinct

You already know that the dog is descended from the wolf, and that both have characteristics in common. When the dog rushes towards the object, it barks, sticks its teeth into it and then slams it from all sides,  showing all its superiority towards the game in question. 

Wolves and wild dogs act the same way when they grab prey. Since they have to shake her hard to kill her, that’s a common thing.

2. To release energy

Many dogs spend most of their day in small apartments and are unable to let off their energy. So when they have the chance to do so, they go after anything, including games or a ball. They might act like this if they don’t leave the house very often. 

3. For fun

Who says dogs don’t like to have fun? They can forget their origins and play like children. Shaking objects is a form of fun for them. You can see this from their expression, the way they move their tails or how they growl, differently from when they are scared.

4. For the teachings of the mother

Dogs remember all the teachings they learned from their mother from birth to the moment of separation. (Even those of when they still had their eyes closed). Mothers pass on all their wisdom to the puppies. Over time, the animal tends to bring back to light what it has learned from its mother.

5. Out of boredom

Certainly dogs get bored, especially when they are small and would like to play all day. They will probably bring you a game of their own and shake it in front of you. This is undoubtedly the signal that they want to let off steam, play and have some company. Be careful because if you don’t listen to them, they could destroy everything they find.

6. Frustration

You don’t have to confuse boredom with frustration. In this case it means that the dog is feeling abandoned or sad because he thinks you don’t care for him. Separation anxiety is quite common in some breeds (for example, Cocker Spaniels) and manifests itself in different ways. One of them is by shaking or breaking objects.

7. Aggression

Finally, the dog who vigorously shakes his toys may also be transmitting a negative signal. How to spot this behavior? If he is stiff while holding the object in his mouth, if he raises his head and growls in despair, if he tries to do the same to another animal or a child. It is important to consult a specialist to prevent this habit from becoming dangerous.

Remember the reasons why dogs shake their toys and take them into consideration.

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