When Should The Animal Be Taken To The Psychologist?

When should the animal be taken to the psychologist?

Several studies have shown that animals have clear emotional needs. In addition to food, shelter and vaccines, their mental health must also be taken care of . In this regard, it is important to evaluate any symptoms of discomfort and take the animal to the psychologist.

Pets are also social beings. They are an active part of the family, they recognize the roles of each member of the group and position themselves according to them. Any change in the entire structure of their environment can destabilize them.

As with humans, pets often resist change, which is resolved with the benefits of psychological therapy. Furthermore, they have memory, which is why past traumas, left unresolved, end up negatively affecting their way of being.

Possible psychological problems of your pet

Many experts agree that there are some changes in behavior that should be interpreted as real  warning signs. When one or more of these factors are known in the animal, attention must be total. Especially if any changes persist for a few days. A clear sign that your pet needs psychological help.

  • Physical decay or lack of interest. The dog remains lying down or away and shows no interest in games or other actions that he likes. He looks sad and perpetually tired.
  • Lack of appetite. The bowl with the food remains intact or is barely tasted. You might try offering him other products to see if it’s just a flavor issue.
  • Excessive agitation. Faced with an affectionate approach or in the presence of external noises, your friend appears agitated. He barks excessively, growls and becomes violent. In short, it shows reactions that denote fear and nervousness, inexplicable for you masters.
  • Destruction of objects. If you go home and see that the pillows have been torn apart or that the house is damaged, the animal has had a fit of loneliness and is dedicated to breaking everything you care about most.
  • Tendency to run away. The animal begins to hide or tries to escape at the slightest opportunity. He does not feel safe or comfortable in his home. In addition to normal care, there is something that is causing enormous discomfort to your pet.

dog who broke a pillow

When does your pet need a psychologist?

There are several factors behind a  psychological imbalance affecting your pet. Many of them are unnoticeable or may be underestimated by many owners. At this point, it can become difficult to find out if you need to take your dog to a specialist.

  • Animals usually have a strong sense of ownership. They can feel the masters of everything around them, even of their own owners. If you adopt another pet, have a baby or welcome a new tenant into your home, your dog’s pride and confidence can take a hit.
  • Moving. Moving house and even city is often very stressful for men, let alone for pets. Around them, everything changes. The usual points of reference are missing, sounds, noises and smells change. It is an adaptation process that sometimes cannot be overcome without the help of a psychologist.
  • Separation anxiety. It is possible that, for various reasons, you end up spending less and less time with your four-legged friend. It is a serious lack that the animal cannot understand and that it is difficult to metabolize. Depression, sadness, and even death can come if you feel excessively abandoned.
  • Old traumas. Accidents, physical violence, humiliation and harassment remain forever engraved in the memory of these animals, intelligent and sensitive at the same time. These are very frequent cases if you adopt a dog with a troubled past. The help of a professional will allow you to identify and treat the traumas that cause sudden and violent changes in behavior and attitudes.

a spotted bulldog lying down with an intimidated look

Do you have to take the animal to the psychologist?

This is a question that many people ask themselves. Although there are countries where this practice is widely known and recognized, there are still many people who view animal psychology with a certain prejudice and superficiality. There is a misconception that the veterinarian or the good will of the owners is enough to solve any problem.

In fact, all the people surrounding the pet are needed to take care of the pet’s mental health. It is a real team effort. Faced with problems, such as those listed in the previous paragraph, the veterinarian will indicate the need to consult a professional of the mind.

For your part, as the owner, you will be the one to accompany the dog to the psychological therapy sessions. With a little time, patience and a lot of love, you will actively collaborate in recovering the mental balance of your four-legged friend.

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