What Are Training Collars?

Do you want to know why so-called training collars are banned in many countries? In this article, we show you the other side of the coin.
What are training collars?

So-called training collars can be found in almost every pet shop. Even breeders and veterinarians recommend its use. However, in many countries they are banned. But what exactly are training collars and why are they banned in some countries? Read on to learn more.

What are training collars?

Training collars, also called punishment collars, are different types of collars through which an unpleasant stimulus is produced when the dog misbehaves or does not perform the actions desired by the owner.

There are several types of collars: there are electric ones, which emit a shock when a button is pressed, while those with spikes tighten around the dog’s throat when he is jerked. There are also choke collars, which feature a loop in the part of the closure that tightens into the dog’s throat if he tries to pull on the leash.

They have different shapes and are made of different materials, but they all have the same mission: to cause pain to the dog when he does something inappropriate.

What training collars actually do

So-called training collars do not train the dog – they only apply punishment. Punishments are unnecessary during training and can in fact be counterproductive. Nor do they work to solve behavioral problems, as animals are only punished and do not learn to distinguish the error.

Punishment collar
There are mixed views on the subject, as many people who have used them claim that they have worked. However, we are of the opinion that these collars appear to provide a short-term solution, but in the long run the only thing they do is hide the problem.

Behavioral problems in dogs are symptoms of stress, fear, or illness. Therefore, a good canine educator and owner concerned about their dog’s well-being should want to get to the bottom of the problem and not dwell on the symptoms that the animal is exhibiting.

With a training collar the symptom is suppressed, consequently the dog learns to hide it or resigns himself not to show it, so as not to suffer the unpleasant stimulus caused by the collar. In this sense, the collar appears to provide a remedy, but nothing has actually been fixed.

The problem that caused the unwanted behavior is still present and by the time the training collar is no longer present, the symptom returns as well. The dog is still experiencing discomfort or has not yet learned to behave as expected, so we cannot consider it a solution.

Health problems caused by these collars

As we have seen, training collars do not solve dog behavior problems, nor do they aid learning. Worst of all, they can cause serious health problems.

In the neck of dogs – and all mammals – are glands that secrete hormones essential for good health and growth. The thyroid gland is located in the neck, for example. There are also branches of nerves that connect directly to the spinal cord and can spread stimuli throughout the body.

Being injured, receiving a painful or unpleasant stimulus, in this area of ​​the body and even for long periods of time, can cause the appearance of various health problems: from cramps and pain throughout the body, to the malfunction of the hormonal glands.

Additionally, several studies have shown that training collars, far from improving dog behavior, cause other types of problems. For example, they accentuate nervousness and stress, which can cause aggression or destructive behavior.

Electric dog collars

They are banned in many countries

Thus, training collars have many contraindications and no positive effects. In fact, in many countries around the world, legislation prohibits them.

In several northern European countries, such as Sweden, Norway and Denmark, these collars have been banned. Electric collars have also been banned in the UK and Australia, and animal welfare organizations are struggling to extend the law to training collars and choke collars as well.

If your dog has a behavioral problem or has difficulty learning new orders, we strongly advise you not to use this type of collars: they will make the situation worse. Instead, contact a specialized trainer to investigate the matter.

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