What Are Dog Chondroprotectors?

Chondroprotectors help us prevent or relieve our pets’ joint problems. These are food supplements obtained from the skin or cartilage of other animals.
What are dog chondroprotectors?

Chondroprotectors for dogs are substances used as food supplements to relieve joint injuries in our pets. Depending on the case, they can be used when the joint injury has already occurred, or to prevent its appearance, or at least to delay it.

Some dog breeds show a certain genetic predisposition to suffer from joint problems, especially those of large size and weight. Let’s find out what dog chondroprotectors are.

When are chondroprotectors for dogs useful?

Age, physical activity, overweight and diet play an important role in the development and health of our pet. As a result, even in the appearance of joint injuries. Here are the most common pathologies:

Osteoarthritis, one of the diseases for which chondroprotectors for dogs are used

Osteoarthritis is a progressive and degenerative disease affecting the joints, more common in older dogs. It consists of the destruction of the cartilage that covers and protects the joints and sometimes abnormal bone growth can form around it.

Some symptoms to identify osteoarthritis are: lameness, difficulty standing up, refusal to walk or stiffness in movement when waking up.


This condition is similar to osteoarthritis in that it causes wear on the cartilage surrounding the joints and consequent damage to the bones. The main difference from osteoarthritis is that arthritis does not arise due to degenerative problems but is caused by infections, trauma or autoimmune diseases.

Hip dysplasia

As the name suggests, hip dysplasia is a genetic disorder that affects the mobility of the hip. It develops from 5-6 months of age of the dog, but it is common to discover it when it is an adult, unless tests are carried out to have an early diagnosis.

Hip dysplasia is a very painful condition for the dog, which sometimes prevents the use of the hind limbs.


Trauma can be caused by a blow or a bad fall and the clinical picture varies according to its intensity.

If this situation affects the joint, we will have joint trauma, which causes damage to the cartilage and / or bone to varying degrees. There are minor injuries, but there are also more complex ones that require slower healing or that last a lifetime.

In the latter two cases, dog chondroprotectors will help us relieve our best friend’s pain.

Elderly dog ​​on a blanket.

Main types of chondroprotectors for dogs

Chondroprotectors for dogs generally contain glucosamine and chondroitin, which are the main components through which the body builds collagen.

Usually these compounds are generated autonomously by the cells of dogs, but when we are faced with joint problems or our dog is aging, the production of these substances decreases.

In these situations, the use of chondroprotectors as a food supplement becomes essential for the health of our pet. Chondroprotectors are obtained from parts of animals such as the ears, legs and mask of the pig, the trachea of ​​lamb, pig or cow, the skin of chicken and mussels, clams and octopuses.

Below we will talk in detail about the substances present in dog chondroprotectors that can help alleviate the diseases described above and thus improve the health of our pet:

Chondroitin sulfate

It is one of the structural components of connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons, ligaments and skin. It improves joint function and also reduces inflammation and pain by hydrating the cartilage.


It is the main component of cartilage and is the molecule needed to produce glycosaminoglycan, which is responsible for the formation and repair of cartilage.

Glucosamine improves joint mobility, relieves joint pain and delays the deterioration of cartilage. Chondroitin sulfate along with glucosamine can reverse cartilage loss.

Hyaluronic acid

It occurs naturally in the body, mainly in the skin, vitreous humor and joints. It is concentrated mainly in the synovial fluid and cartilage.

It reduces pain and inflammation of the joint, and also able to help the synovial fluid, essential for movement.

Food for large dogs.  Dog gnawing on a bone.

How to use chondroprotectors

Faced with these pathologies, the veterinarian’s opinion is essential. He will be the one to determine what our dog is suffering from and to indicate the most suitable chondroprotector. In fact, the doses and the frequency vary according to the case.

Generally, chondroprotectors come in tablet or sachet form, so oral intake is recommended. In any case, these are dietary supplements and not medical treatment to solve joint problems.

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