We Know Poisonous Bird Foods

We know poisonous bird foods

To offer a balanced diet for pet birds, it is necessary to know which nutrients are essential for their development. In this article we will teach you to recognize and distinguish the possible poisonous foods that could cause serious damage to the health of the birds you have decided to take care of.

The term “bird” includes a very large and extensive group of endothermic vertebrates, animals with beak, feathers and wings, but which do not always possess the ability to fly (such as penguins). Birds show differences in their anatomy and physiology. This explains why each species has adapted to a specific climate, lifestyle and diet.

Therefore, before choosing the diet for your birds, it is important to know which type of food is best suited to their organism. In addition, you will discover which are the poisonous foods  that you absolutely must avoid.

Properly feed pet birds

When we talk about bird feeding, we are referring to very different types of diets. There are carnivorous, insectivorous, granivorous and frugivorous birds. Everyone’s organism is adapted to a particular diet, as evidenced by the different types of beak and the different digestive systems.

pair of green parrots

In large part, the type of food accepted by a particular bird species comes from the resources available in the  original habitat . The more benevolent the climate, the greater the quantity and variety of food available.

The influence of climate and habitat

The typical species of tropical and temperate climates have a very varied natural diet. A significant difference when considering other species adapted to arid climates or seabirds.

Parrots and pigeons tend to adapt to different types of food, including fruit, seeds, leaves and grains. And this explains why they are better adapted to domestic life  and explain their great ability to survive in metropolitan areas.

The diet of birds also varies according to the stage of their life. When they are still chicks, most feed on insects brought by their mother. This is their main source of protein, which allows for the healthy development of their muscles and plumage.

When they reach adulthood, their organisms must adapt to the conditions imposed by the environment. While some become expert hunters on land or at sea, others simply peck at  seeds and fruits typical of their region.

In the case of domestic birds, the environment contributes very positively to adaptation. In any case, you must always respect the different dietary needs that define each species. The goal is simple: to avoid providing poisonous foods to birds.

What are poisonous bird foods?

Birds born and raised in captivity lose much of their instincts. Therefore, they may accidentally eat toxic foods that are carelessly offered to them.

But then, is it possible to know what to feed a bird? Certainly yes and, for this reason, we have compiled a list with 7 poisonous foods that you will  never have to give to your little friend:

1. Chocolate

Chocolate is potentially toxic to all pets. Since their digestive system is intolerant to these substances, it causes diarrhea and vomiting. In severe cases, the central nervous system is compromised and the bird can die.

2. Apple, pear, cherry and peach seeds

The seeds of apples, cherries, pears and peaches contain small amounts of cyanide. It is a highly poisonous mineral to birds. The pulp of these fruits is highly recommended in the diet, but without seeds.

3. Avocado

Another example of poisonous bird food that should be avoided. Among other things, it can cause heart failure and liver disorders.

canary on the hand of the master and seeds

4. Garlic and onion

The consumption of garlic and onion is very healthy for humans. But when it comes to birds, ingesting these foods usually causes digestive problems accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol should never be offered  to any pet. This substance compromises the immune system and causes a rapid decline in health.

6. Tomato stems, leaves and seeds

Tomato pulp is tasty and healthy for birds. But leaves, stems and seeds can cause intoxication. Therefore, you will need to clean the tomatoes thoroughly before offering them to your bird.

7. Salt and sugar

Birds need to consume a certain amount of sodium and sugar in their diet, but in minimal amounts. This means that excessive consumption of these substances can be fatal to health. It can cause damage to the kidneys and the entire digestive system.

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