Walking The Dog: The Mistakes Not To Make

Walking the dog: the mistakes not to make

Walking the dog is not an activity to be taken lightly. In fact, it is necessary to keep in mind certain factors, times and methods, to avoid problems for your pet and also for others. In this article we will see what are the 7 mistakes not to make when walking your dog.

Always take the same walk

Like people, animals also need new things and to be distracted. For example, see parks and unusual places they haven’t been to yet. Always respect the times and methods of the walk, based on the characteristics and size of your four-legged friend.

Use the leash violently

Sometimes, there is a tendency to pull the dog’s leash with excessive force. This can cause injury, to the animal or even to your hands. In particular, this habit can have negative psychological consequences. We are talking about stress, anxiety, fear and a loss of trust in the owner.

Walking the dog the mistakes not to make

Depending on the type of dog, it can be helpful to choose a suitable leash. Maybe long, roll-up or even shorter. This is not a command tool, such as a joystick , but a method of communicating certain signals to the dog. It should be used with moderation and delicacy. It is useful to accustom the dog to walk with you, at the same speed.

Prohibit him from sniffing

It is wrong to think that, for reasons of safety or hygiene, it is advisable to prohibit the dog from sniffing anything. Every good owner must remember that dogs do not behave like humans and, in order to orient themselves and interact with the outside world, they need to smell everything.

Your dog’s sense of smell gives the pet confidence and provides him with fundamental information about the external environment. It is always necessary to respect this which is, without doubt, a fundamental need of every dog.

Get angry

When the dog does not listen to you or behaves inappropriately, he often responds aggressively, with screams and blows. These alterations generate stress and anxiety. Shouting is a type of psychological abuse and will cause confusion in the animal, which is unable to understand its meaning.

It must be remembered that, with aggression, you never get any results. It’s important to stay calm, use a clear voice, and draw your pet’s attention to a certain behavior, using the effective leverage of positive reinforcement.

Prohibit him from socializing

Sometimes, to avoid situations of possible danger, during the walk you avoid contact with other people or animals. But beware: what is the point of walking the dog if you are left alone? Socialization should be one of the most important moments of going out with your dog. Interact with others, release energy and have fun.

Preventing socialization can generate distrustful and fearful behaviors in your pet, negatively affecting the formation of its personality. Keep the dog under control, stay close to him but always try to encourage socialization.

Lose patience

The patience is the key ingredient in everyday living with a dog. Your friend will stop often, he will want to smell plants, trees, cars and everything in his way. Plan your outings so that you have enough time to dedicate to the walk. You will then have to worry about  collecting any necessities and therefore, do it as a normal activity of those who have the privilege of owning a pet.

Use inappropriate equipment

Another common mistake is using an unsuitable leash or muzzle for your dog. For this reason you should always make sure that the equipment is suitable for your friend. Weight and dimensions are elements to always take into serious consideration. It is also advisable to use a dog harness instead of a simple collar, for greater control.

Tips for walking the dog

  • Always take a different walk. In this way, you will avoid getting bored and will be able to discover new areas of the locality where you live.

Walking the dog the mistakes not to make (3)

  • Talk to an expert to plan the best walk for your dog, with times and routes suited to his characteristics.
  • Always attach an identification tag to your friend’s collar, in case it goes missing, with name, address and telephone number.
  • Bring the bags to collect the excrement. It is your obligation and a sign of respect and civic sense.
  • If your dog barks, distract him. Move it so that it points your gaze in a different direction and calm it down.
  • Choose the time of the walks according to the season. In summer, avoid the hot hours to safeguard the animal’s health.

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