Vademecum Of The Good Master

Vademecum of the good master

Adopting a pet certainly gives you a lot of satisfaction, but it also means making a commitment to be a good owner: even if there is no magic formula to become one, there are some tips that, if put into practice, will help you to make coexistence with your dog and will ensure that the latter not only feels the king of the house, but sees you as the most important person in his life.

To be a good owner, there are some basic rules that must be respected : give your dog adequate nutrition, take him out for walks, take him to the vet and play with him … these are all fundamental elements for your friend to have a life. healthy and quality. For this reason we want to give you some indications below to be a proper boss.

Educate him and monitor his behavior

dog and caresses

To be a good owner and to ensure that your dog always maintains a good behavior, one of the fundamental things to know is that your little friend must receive a good education. Animals don’t learn the rules on their own: you have to think about that.

The first rule is that your dog must always obey you.  No matter where he is, the dog will always have to listen to what you say.  If you order him to sit down, stand up or shut up, the dog must obey you.

A good owner, when he takes his dog out, must always have a supply of bags with him to collect and throw away the excrement of his animal; in the same way he will take care to put a muzzle and a leash on his dog.

A good owner never pits his pet against another dog, but on the contrary, when he notices his dog’s aggressive behavior towards another, he tries to dissuade him.

In case you have to run errands, such as going to the supermarket, avoid taking your dog with you: the animals suffer a lot and get stressed easily when they are forced to wait for their owners, not to mention that such a situation. exposes to possible aggression from other dogs and can even be stolen.

Make your home a safe place for your dog: be careful not to leave doors and windows open to prevent him from escaping or accidents.

If you are traveling with your dog in the car, it is best to put it in its carrier in the back seat of the car. If you leave your dog in the car, be sure to park in a safe place, out of the sun. Remember that dogs, as well as other species, can suffer from hyperthermia (commonly known as heatstroke) which in some cases, if not caught in time, can even be fatal.

Take care of his nutrition and exercise

dog and mistress

A ‘ proper nutrition is essential to help your business grow healthy and strong dog, ask your veterinarian to find a suitable diet for your pet and choose the products that best meet their needs.

Have it checked periodically by a veterinarian: the ideal is to take it every six months or at least once a year. Also respect the vaccination schedule and basic hygiene rules.

Physical activity is a very important element in a dog’s life: it is important that you take him for a walk, at least, twice a day, especially if you live in an apartment. In case you can’t do it, get someone to take it out for you.

Never neglect your dog’s hygiene: depending on the breed, it is likely that you will need to groom him regularly. You must also bathe him at least once a month and always keep his nails under control, cutting them if necessary to avoid any possible complications.

Last but not least, remember that to be a good owner you must be responsible and love your four-legged friend: in addition to worrying about his health, cleanliness and nutrition, you must also transmit affection and love, playing with him and cuddling him.

Being affectionate with your dog is essential for your friend to become a sociable animal and be able to get along well with his peers and with you. Pamper him by giving him a treat every now and then, comb him with his favorite brush, teach him something new, buy him a toy or tell him how good he is: these are all things you can do to improve and strengthen the bond with your 4-legged friend!

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