The Incredible Story Of Ginny, The Dog Who Saved Cats

The incredible story of Ginny, the dog who saved cats

“They agree like cats and dogs”. A famous phrase known to all and which is the basis of the idea that cats and dogs do not get along very well. But animals always surprise us, being creatures with much more evolved qualities than ours. They do not know species, races, colors, sizes or weights. All their heart is based on is love for others. So you will be amazed by Ginny’s story and her passion for saving cats.

The story we will talk about today has to do with Ginny, a dog with a penchant for cats. Do you want to discover its history?

Ginny’s origins

Ginny’s past is not pleasant. She was adopted by a gentleman who did not take care of her in the best way. In fact, she was found inside an apartment that the tenant – Ginny’s owner – had abandoned.

As it is easy to guess, she had not only abandoned the building, but also the dog, left without water or food with her three puppies. A real cruelty.

Ginny is a particular dog being a cross between a Schnauzer and a Husky, an uncommon combination, but which gives her a special charm. But her greatest beauty is within her.

Where did Ginny go after she was rescued?



Ginny was transported to a vet’s office, where experts believed it was best to take her down. His cubs did not survive. Nonetheless, Ginny proved to be a strong dog full of will to live, and that’s what allowed her to move forward.

Little by little she recovered, until she was adopted by a gentleman who suffered from depression. Ginny played a fundamental role in the man’s healing, so much so that the gentleman could no longer imagine his life without her. Ginny had become everything to him.

But the title of the article says that Ginny is dedicated to saving cats … So the question is this:

Where did your love for saving cats come from?

One day, while on a leisurely stroll with her new master, Ginny pawed up a water pipe. But it wasn’t just a game: the shots went on until the tube broke, revealing three little kittens inside that, if it hadn’t been for Ginny, would certainly have died.

Her master picked them up to carry them in a cattery, and it was there that Ginny transformed herself into heroin again: she stopped in front of the cage of a seemingly blind cat, and did not move from there until her master. he had decided to adopt her and make her part of the family.

Experts in animal behavior who have known Ginny affirm that she is a specimen with a particularly developed maternal instinct, especially towards cats – especially those who are disabled and needy.  

The family grows …

One day the beautiful dog befriended a stray cat. The master, driven by all the love he felt for her, adopted him. They soon realized that the cat was deaf. Ginny was in action again!

The same story repeated itself over and over again, involving abandoned cats, sick, dumb and blind, until twenty cats lived together in Ginny’s and her owner’s house!

Unfortunately, however, the cagnoglina with beautiful feelings died in 2005, but according to her owner there are hundreds of cats she rescued. It is also said that Ginny one day saved the life of a disabled person who was about to be run over.

The story of this little dog is so special and full of good feelings that it has inspired two books. In addition, his owner has treasured his goodness and started a fundraiser to help the most needy cats. It was certainly an example that many will never forget.

What great life lessons animals give us! It is so easy for humans to judge people by the color of their skin, their religion, physical appearance and other superficial factors that reveal nothing about how a person is inside. Seeing a dog fighting against all the prejudices that have been rooted in our society for years, should give us the impetus for each of us to make an examination of conscience.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If you know English, you will understand the content of the video that follows, but if you don’t understand it, we assure you that the pictures will speak for themselves… Here is the touching story of a heroine who has dedicated her entire life to saving cats.

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