The Ferret And Its Behavior

These cute animals are very energetic and by getting them to do a lot of physical activity, you will increase the chances of them behaving appropriately.
The ferret and its behavior

The ferret entered our homes a short time ago and is distinguished by its small size, for being very sociable and fun.

If you are considering welcoming one into your family, get ready. We will tell you everything you need to know about his behavior and habits. The ferret  is a unique animal.

The behavior of the ferret

Although they are often seen as pets, they also happen to engage in hunting-related activities : their specialty is rabbits. Their elongated body allows these animals to easily enter their burrows.

For this reason we must not forget that, even if they are sociable and sweet, until a few generations ago they were hunting animals. Ferrets still have many wild instincts attached to this activity, even though they live indoors.

Many characteristics of the ferret’s behavior are connected with its past life. If we make sure that he can vent these instincts he will be a much calmer animal and there will be fewer behavioral problems.

The needs of the ferret

Ferrets are small animals, but they are incredibly energetic and active. For this, the first step is to make sure that your ferret is happy is to get him to exercise a lot, around the house and in his cage. The ideal cage for the ferret should be tall, with plenty of room to move around.

Furetto vicino alla gabbia

Without a doubt, ferrets are animals that discharge a lot of energy while playing. If they have companions of the same species in front of them they will play a lot with them. Otherwise, the ferret will ask the human to participate in the playful activities in which he is interested.

They have a constant need for games so as not to get bored. Balls and ropes are fine for their cages, but they may also like mazes or paths that lead to a prize, something to chase, to be as active as possible.

Due to their constant pursuit of activity, ferrets have to sleep for many hours. Some sleep deeply, looking almost dead.

Make sure he has a nice corner of his cage to sleep properly, recharge his batteries well without being disturbed.

Another characteristic of the ferret’s character is its curiosity. Ferrets have to find out, explore. They tend to put their heads in all the nooks and crannies of the house and explore all the corners. You will have to make sure that your home is safe and that they do not get hurt in their adventures.

The jokes of ferrets

Even though some people mistake them for bad behavior, making jokes is part of their nature.

They need to eat several times a day, in small doses. Therefore, when their plate is full, the first thing they do is hide some of the food elsewhere in the house to make sure they have food for the whole day.

Furetto nella scatola

They don’t just steal lunch – they have a fondness for metallic and luminous objects, as well as rubber.

If you are missing things in the house, it is likely that the ferret has seen them and placed them in some hiding place. He doesn’t do it maliciously, it’s his instinct.

Ferret play activities can get a little rough at times. They usually bite in a playful way. Even if they don’t hurt each other, when it comes to our hand the situation changes.

This does not mean that the ferret is aggressive or intends to harm. It is part of the game .

Ferret training

Like any other animal, the ferret can be trained and made to behave well. This must be done keeping in mind his limitations and his instincts. It is very likely to teach him to steal keys and coins, but it is best to avoid.

Ferrets are animals that are easily frightened and, when this happens, they cannot learn. Therefore, training based on punishment or punishment will not be helpful. Teach your pet to behave appropriately with positive reinforcement for faster results.

Reward the ferret when it behaves well. When he plays without doing damage, when he walks around the house and explores without breaking things and when he doesn’t steal your house keys, it’s time for a reward.

These reinforcements can be food-grade, with treats for ferrets or just a praise and a pat.

Ignore the negative behavior of the ferret. Stop play if it is doing any damage and retire the toy if it is damaging or misused.

Ferrets are intelligent and crafty animals, ready to earn a reward for doing well.

Ferrets are fun and active, but they need care. If you want to welcome a ferret into your family, keep in mind that it will have to play a lot to be happy.

It will concentrate its activities in the evening or late afternoon and it will be a bit noisy. For the rest, you can enjoy the company of this very nice mammal.

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