The Dangers Of Cutting The Vocal Cords Of Animals

We must think that every part of our body, as well as that of animals, is designed to perform a specific function.
The dangers of cutting the vocal cords of animals

Although dogs or cats do not speak, thanks to their meowing or barking they are able to communicate with us. The consequences of cutting the vocal cords are very serious, but it seems that the law is not on the side of animals.

Animals that bark or meow can be quite annoying, both for us and for our neighbors. For this reason, some choose to have their pets cut their vocal cords , which is a risky operation.

What are the risks of vocal cord amputation?

Why not cut the vocal cords of animals

Many believe that since animals do not have the ability to speak, they do not need vocal cords, used only to emit noises such as barking or meowing which, when excessive, can be very annoying.

What is sometimes forgotten is that the sounds that animals emit are a real form of communication: their only way of “speaking”. Unfortunately, there are many cases in which judges have agreed to neighbors who complained about the barking of some dogs, ruling that the vocal cords should be amputated.

A real case

This is the case of Karen Szewc and John Updegraff, a couple of shepherds who keep their pastures guarded by some Tibetan mastiffs. They took a couple of these animals to raise and train them to guard the sheep, from which they obtain the products with which they are kept.

Living in the open air and without restrictions, the barking of dogs became more frequent and intense, to the point of annoying two neighbors, Debra and Dale Krein.  

The couple, gaining the support of the community in which they live, claimed that the noises emitted by the two mastiffs violated urbanization regulations.

The situation, as they claimed, was destined to get worse as the owners were “collecting” new puppies.

Shepherd dog and sheep

Although the two Szewc have retorted by claiming that the dogs were their employees, as they are engaged in the supervision of the assets that allow them to maintain themselves , the neighbors have not withdrawn the complaint in the face of the increasingly loud noises also reported by other neighbors.

According to them, the pastoral couple was not looking for a solution to the problem, but only defending their position.

What about the laws against animal abuse?

It is common for animal lovers to wonder how the law has ensured the care and protection of animals and the public good.

We say this because the Szewc have claimed that if they could not rely on their watchdogs, they should have procured a weapon, and we all know what this can lead to.

As was to be expected, the initiative has generated a great stir in social networks, where many have said that this is yet another example of animal abuse.

It is unthinkable that a judge or any representative of the law would allow such an atrocity.

At the moment, no big steps have been taken regarding this fight. In fact, there have been numerous judges who have issued sentences similar to the case seen above.

Animal welfare associations and other animal conservation bodies are struggling to prevent approval of the plan.

Contraindications of vocal cord amputation

The truth is that these operations should not even exist, since they create even serious damage to our animals.

Dog lying on the pavement

We must think that every part of our body, as well as that of animals, is designed to perform a specific function.

Therefore, removing any part of the body is nothing more than an amputation, and the representatives of the law should understand this.

These are the damages caused by the amputation of the vocal cords:

  • Depression due to the inability to communicate.
  • Possible post-operative infections.
  • Nervous and frightened dogs that, unable to defend themselves with their voice, could suffer attacks from other dogs.
  • Aggressive behavior, such as biting, due to the inability to attract attention.
  • Traumatized animals that due to an unnecessary surgical operation can become depressed and suffer anxiety attacks.

In the hope that animal lovers will soon win the battle for the care of the latter, we just have to advise you to teach your pets to moderate their sounds so as not to run into situations like these.

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