The 5 Naked Dog Breeds

The 5 naked dog breeds

The naked dog is that type of dog that, for genetic reasons, is hairless or has it only on certain areas of the body. This particular feature could have jeopardized the very existence of these dog breeds, since the coat is important for survival and provides the animal with protection from climate and disease. Instead, this anomaly has proved to be an appreciated feature in Western culture, since it makes it easier to live with the dog that is not subject to moulting.

The 5 hairless dog breeds are the Xoloitzcuintle, the Peruvian Hairless Dog, the Argentine Pila, the American Hairless Terrier and the Chinese Crested.

The Xoloitzcuintle

Dog native to Mexico, its complicated name means “dog of the god Xolotl”, Aztec god of spirits, fire and bad luck. The Aztecs bred it to feed on its meat, in other cultures it was instead considered a “curandero” dog, that is, it was attributed curative virtues and the sick kept it close to alleviate their diseases and cure themselves.

It is a lively, lively and affectionate breed. He has a personality similar to that of the Fox Terrier, although his physical appearance is reminiscent of the Greyhound.

There is a miniature variety of the Mexican hairless dog, almost more common than the standard and very popular in North America and Mexico. It makes an excellent companion animal and is used in the selection of litters to ensure the health and vigor of the breed. Her skin requires some care to keep it supple and healthy. The colors vary from slate to charcoal, passing through bronze tones.

The Peruvian hairless dog


Even the Peruvian hairless dog, like the Mexican we have just seen, was originally bred to be eaten. Over time it has gone from being a serving dish of Inca tables to a favorite pet of the nobility. The Peruvian naked dog exists in three varieties: small, medium and large, reaching to weigh, depending on the size, from 4 to 25 kg.

The Argentine Pila

Without leaving Latin America, we meet the Pila, a dog breed similar to the first two described and originally from Argentina. The Argentine Perro Pila has its own distinctive trait: the only hairy areas it has are the head and tail, and here the hair forms a sort of crest.

It is not a very large dog and like its Peruvian cousin, the breed can be small, medium and large in size.

It has a cheerful, dynamic and playful character, characteristics that make it excellent as a companion dog. He lives comfortably in the home and is easy to educate. It has run the risk of becoming extinct, but at the moment it is struggling to keep this lovable breed alive.

American hairless terrier

The American hairless terrier or American hairless dog is a small breed , selected in the United States, which does not weigh up to 7 kg. It is a relatively new breed, as the first litters appeared in the 1970s.

Being completely hairless and with patchy skin, he is a very popular dog, but difficult to find because he is not very widespread.

Descended from the Rat Terrier, the American hairless dog is a lively and dynamic dog; loves to play and gets along very well with children. He is intelligent and a lover of the house, the only disadvantage is his skin, so little protected that it requires special attention so that it does not get damaged.

The Chinese Crested Dog


The Chinese Crested is a small dog that weighs between 5 and 7 kg. There are two varieties: one with hair (powderpuff) and one without hair (hairless). In this breed the absence of hair is carried by an incomplete dominant gene. This means that its nude variant still has smooth skin with tufts of fur on its legs, head and tail.

The Crested is a sociable, sensitive and cheerful dog. He is playful and agile, but can be a bit stubborn at times.

He is very loyal to his family and tends to become attached to one particular member. Despite being a shy dog, it gets along very well with people, other dogs and animals. They are intelligent, easy-to-train dogs that are perfect for keeping company. In return, however, they demand that your company be continuous.

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