Swedish Vallhund: A Beautiful Dog Of Swedish Origin

Native to Scandinavian lands, the Vastgotaspets or Swedish Vallhund is a small dog with a short and thick coat; it is an excellent companion animal for people of all ages but also an effective guardian.
Swedish Vallhund: A beautiful dog of Swedish origin

The Vastgotaspets or Swedish Vallhund is a dog known for its short legs and elongated body. In today’s article we will find out everything there is to know about this beautiful breed.

History of the Swedish Vallhund

The history of the Swedish Vallhund begins around 1000 years ago. Its origins date back to the eighth and ninth centuries in the province of Vastergotland, south of Lake Vanern, in Sweden.

This little dog is also related to the Vikings who settled in England. It is said that it was instrumental in the creation of other breeds, such as the English corgi.

Around the 1940s, he was on the verge of extinction in his native country. Fortunately, a group of breeders took charge of increasing the population through the practice of endogamy, that is, the reproduction between consanguineous specimens.

In 1943 the breed was recognized by the Swedish Kennel Club, and ten years later it changed its name to the one we use today, Vallhund or Vastgotaspets, which means shepherd. It is currently a little common dog outside its country of origin, and was only admitted as a breed in the American Kennel Club in 2007.

Physical characteristics

The Swedish Vallhund is a small dog, just 30 centimeters tall. Nevertheless it is a strong breed, with a long and robust body; the head is triangular and with an elongated muzzle. The eyes are dark brown and the ears are straight and pointed.

Swedish Vallhund in a meadow.

As for its fur, this is short and thick, with two layers: an inner, soft and thick, and a rougher outer one. The hair is longer in the neck area and on the hind legs. The color can be gray, brown, reddish and white. On the neck, chest and belly it is usually lighter.

Character of the Swedish Vallhund

The Swedish Vallhund is a good companion dog, loves spending time with its owners and is dedicated to them with all his heart. In country houses it is used as a shepherd dog and for hunting rodents. He is a rather active, courageous and always on alert dog with his ears at attention.

He is not particularly sociable with people he does not know and must be trained carefully so as not to attack strangers. One of his skills? Bite your heels! He learned this habit after years and years of chasing cattle, especially sheep.

Swedish Vallhund Health and Care

Vastgotaspets is naturally healthy and therefore very popular for physical activities such as agility or  flyball, obedience, recovery and livestock guarding sports.

Vastgotaspets for a walk.

It is a long-lived dog that can exceed 15 years of life, as well as being generally healthy. Apart from the progressive atrophy of the retina, which leads him to suffer from night blindness around the age of 10, he has no other significant genetic diseases.

Thanks to its double-layered fur it is able to withstand very low temperatures, even if it is not particularly suitable for walking on the snow due to its short legs that would make it sink.

Swedish Vallhund does not require specific care. Brush it once a week, check the ears to remove impurities and check that it does not have residues stuck in the hair of the belly, since being very low it tends to drag it on the ground.

Other than these basic attentions, it is not a complicated breed to keep or train. Remember that this is a shepherd dog and therefore needs to exercise every day. A nice morning or afternoon walk should suffice.

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