Social Networks Against The Abandonment Of Dogs And Cats

Social networks against the abandonment of dogs and cats

The abandonment of cats and dogs is a very sad scourge of our modern society. These innocent pets are often adopted or bought too superficially. With the result that, faced with small problems, responsibilities or fatigue, the choice that is made is the tragic one of abandoning them.

Fortunately, thanks to social networks, there is a growing awareness of this cowardly gesture that affects animals that cannot defend themselves.

The abandonment of animals in Italy

According to the data published by Lifegate, the phenomenon of abandoned animals in Italy is really serious. There is talk of about 150,000 dogs and cats. A very high number to which we must add the over 200,000 stray dogs, 600,000 vagabonds and 80,000 feral dogs.

Similar numbers that we also find in other countries of the European Union, such as neighboring Spain. A very different story for Holland where, thanks to targeted policies, stray dogs have in fact been eradicated.

The causes of abandonment are various and also depend on economic factors. With the crisis and the lack of work, what used to be a pleasure has now become a luxury. The dog, or the cat, constitute a considerable expense between food, vaccinations and more. Obviously, the aforementioned data suffers a considerable surge just before the summer, when families find that they cannot bring the animal with them or do not know who to entrust it to.

Even from an adoption point of view, despite the kindness and generosity of many, the effort is not enough to offer home and protection to the thousands of dogs and cats left to their fate.

Social networks are mobilizing against the abandonment of animals

stray cats on the street

If there is an irresponsible and evil part of the population, thanks to social networks, we discover an Italy sensitive to animal problems. For some years, on the initiative of various non-profit associations,  important campaigns have been launched on social  networks . We are talking about both awareness raising actions and fundraising for the most unfortunate animals.

Here then is that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms become perfect channels to scream the indignation of nature lovers and call into action those who own a dog or a cat. Everything always starts with a hashtag, a social tagging system with high-impact keywords.

Let’s take some examples. In Italy, just last summer, the campaign against the abandonment of dogs was launched, called “Vengo Anch’io. Yes, You Yes “. On the main social networks, comments and shares appeared with the hashtags: #vengoanchiositusi #abbandonocani #qualazampa. The same goes for the highly original and successful initiative against the abandonment of animals and books. #BooksandPets went viral within days, thanks to beautiful and sweet photos of dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals, shown alongside short stories and novels.

In Spain, which has the same number of abandonments as Italy, the #EchaUnaPata initiative took strength on Instagram which, in addition to likes and retweets, managed to put together over 7,000 euros to be allocated to the reception of abandoned animals, throughout the country.

Animal abandonment: a problem with no solution?

dog sniffs the ground

Some animals have evolved and changed considerably over the millennia. Dogs were initially used as shepherds, then as guardians and, today, as pets. Despite this, there are still those who trample this bond of love and affection, managing to make such a boorish and violent gesture.

In ancient times, no one found it logical or right to abandon their shepherd or guard dog. Almost as if the fact of being now a simple pet takes away the value of existence as an animal. The dog, apparently, is no longer useful as a prime and, consequently, getting rid of it becomes almost legitimate. Whoever abandons an animal does so respecting these three elements:

  • Enough with the responsibilities. Anyone who adopts an animal thinking it is an animated soft toy acts immature and irresponsible. Having a dog means time, dedication, patience and money.
  • Old dog, goodbye. As soon as the dog stops being an active companion, starts to get ailments or requires medical attention, it is best to abandon him to his fate.
  • Holidays. One of the main reasons for abandonment, also driven by ignorance and lack of sensitivity. Today there are shelters and holiday homes for animals, to which you can entrust your dog or cat. Without forgetting the many hotels and villages equipped to accommodate animals.

    We hope that social networks continue to play this important role against animal abandonment. Remember that a comment, a retweet or a ‘like’ costs nothing and helps to change things for the better.

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