Snacks As You Press

Snacks like prizes

Giving dogs treats as a treat is one of the most used positive reinforcement strategies. However, even if dogs adorn these delicacies, you have to give them to them with a certain criterion.

Usually the dog claims you some delicacies when he thinks he deserves them, the problem is that he always thinks he deserves them. Several times we have advised to use snacks to reward good dog behavior, but remember to be thrifty to avoid the onset of obesity problems or compulsive behaviors.

When he claims them from you


The dog is demanding snacks from you because you have accustomed him to this practice.

Not infrequently you see owners sharing food with the dog, it is a subjective decision. However, if you do not do this with caution, it is likely that you are giving your dog excess fat and sugar which adversely affects his health.

Similarly, if you do not give your dog delicacies and snacks designed specifically for its consumption, you risk giving it harmful foods that in the long run can lead to serious problems.

For all of this, don’t give your dog treats all the time, but only during training.

Also, don’t forget that if you give him food while you are at the table, you will be fomenting a bad habit.

The point is that snacks need to be dispensed sporadically, only when the dog is behaving well. It’s the only way to get your dog to associate gluttony with proper behavior – it has to be a training strategy.

For this reason, you cannot give it in excess. According to specialists, delicacies cannot exceed 10% of the dog’s daily diet. Snacks must be rationed! 

During training

Using food as a reward is a good way to educate your dog. The animal needs motivation to carry out the exercises you order it to do and to try its hand at new activities. When your dog responds appropriately, reward him with his favorite snack.

However, this method has a risk, that of excess. You know very well that taking care of a pet means being aware of what is good for him and giving it to him in the right measure.

Unfortunately, sometimes this little trick is forgotten, especially when choosing the snack to give to the dog as a reward.

Knowing how to choose


On the market you can find hundreds and hundreds of dog snacks. In the case of dogs, before buying one at random, you must consider the size of the animal, its physical state and the activity it carries out daily. All this is essential. Don’t be attracted by the color or the wrapping, always read the ingredients!

It is assumed that dog snacks must contain a good percentage of meat, but this is not always the case. In people suffering from overweight or cardiovascular disease, the excess of proteins and fats is deleterious and can aggravate the situation.

It is best to buy snacks with a high fiber content. These treats help clean teeth and gums and help the digestive system.

Puppy snack

For the little ones , calcium-rich snacks are recommended to strengthen bones and teeth. However, remember not to overdo it because you risk hypercalcification and therefore premature ossification, calcium deposits in the soft tissues, increased blood content, stones, etc.

Snacks for adult dogs

In this case, we repeat the advice we gave you earlier: choose snacks rich in fiber that are beneficial to dental health and digestion.

Snacks and obese dogs

If you have an obese dog, we advise you not to give him any kind of snack. If you really can’t do without it, choose a low-fat, sugar-free type.

Snacks for older dogs

Physical activity and energy expenditure decrease as the animal ages. Choose low-fat products to prevent your dog from gaining weight. It is best to give him soft snacks to avoid chewing and therefore digestive problems.

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