Let’s Find Out How To Take Care Of Fish

Let's find out how to take care of fish

Who hasn’t had at least one fish in childhood? Few can answer no to this question, but over time this animal has been replaced by others. However, taking care of fish is simple, and in this article we will tell you how.

What do you need to take care of fish?

The choice of fish

The first thing is to think about the type of fish to choose:  there are tropical and freshwater ones  and, generally, the latter are more suitable for beginners. However, if you are already an expert because you have had an aquarium, you can opt for the tropical ones, which are beautiful and have a particular personality.

The aquarium

The aquarium must be large enough to accommodate all the fish you choose. A 2.5 cm fish needs about 4.5 liters of water. So, if you have 10 fish of this size, your aquarium will need to be at least 45 liters.

aquarium with fish

You will also have to put certain objects inside the tank, so you have to calculate the space they occupy so that each fish has the right amount of water required. Always choose an aquarium of 5 or 10 liters more than those you have counted. 

The choice of place

Be sure to place the aquarium out of direct sunlight, as well as on a table that can be moved easily. Fish are peaceful animals, and although they can be kept in the living room, this is not recommended as the noises may bother them.

Choose a quiet room where you don’t smoke and don’t get much light. The temperature is not important, as it will be regulated from inside their new home.

The temperature and the filter

You have to regulate the temperature with a thermostat placed inside the aquarium. Fish need a climate that fluctuates between 22 and 28 degrees centigrade. This will need to be constant and you will find various thermostats that will keep it.

fish in the aquarium and thermostat

The filter is another necessary item if you don’t want to clean the aquarium every two days. There are many different models on the market, both in size and function. One can reduce chemicals, another reduce residues, or some of both. Based on the size of the tank, fish, etc., the shop will recommend the most suitable for you.

Basic needs of fish

And now comes the easy part. You will have to feed them once a day little food, as too much could kill them. Also, if they don’t finish it all, this could clog the filter and this will cause damage. Fish food is easy to find in pet stores, although some need granulated food instead of flakes. 

Another step to follow is to measure the pH at least once a week. With a kit you can do it easily. Change the filter every month and remove the dirt that accumulates on the glass with a sponge.

It is not necessary to change the water constantly,  but partially once a month could solve many problems related to hygiene.

Fish are easy animals to manage because they don’t require a lot of attention. Observing them will be a sight to be enjoyed. Try it!

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