Importance And Benefits Of Water For Dogs

Did you know that water is just as important to dogs as it is to humans? As owners, it is our duty to guarantee our pet a good daily hydration, at any time of the year.
Importance and benefits of water for dogs

Hydration is essential for humans… and also for animals. For this reason we must make sure we offer them what they need. In this article we will talk about the benefits of water for dogs.

Why is water important for dogs?

Water is essential for the life of all living beings and, as far as pets are concerned, we as owners have a responsibility to ensure they have the correct hydration they need.

We know that dogs have a rather curious way of drinking, compared to that of humans, but we don’t know exactly how much water they need daily.

This amount depends on numerous factors, such as the breed, weight and size of the animal, the physical activity it carries out, the time of year (whether it is hot or cold), nutrition, dog health, etc. .

As a guideline, it could be said that an adult dog needs to drink 60 milliliters for every kilo of weight every day. Consequently, a 10-pound animal needs 600 milliliters (just over half a liter).

Water for dogs: dog drinking from a fountain.

To all this we must add the climatic factor and the physical activity carried out by the animal, including walks in the park. According to the example of the previous lines, during the summer and when walking, the animal should drink approximately one liter of water per day.

Why does my dog ​​need to drink water

For dogs, water is very important and its lack can cause health problems or even lead to death. Some of the symptoms of dehydration in pets are as follows:

  • Fast breathing (wheezing)
  • Apathy (lack of desire to get up or play)
  • “Sunken” eyes
  • Reduction in the amount of urine (urination decreases in frequency and quantity)
  • Dark colored urine
  • Dry muzzle or tongue
  • Tachycardia

Dogs that don’t drink a lot of water are more prone to developing certain diseases, such as kidney problems, which include kidney stone formation, urinary tract infections or chronic kidney failure. They can also develop liver problems, because the liver is not working as it should.

Dog drinking water from a bowl.

How to get my dog ​​to drink water

Dogs need to drink water every day and it is up to us as owners to give them the opportunity to hydrate. How? In the following lines we offer you some tips:

1. Put drinking troughs within their reach

The goal is to ensure that the animal always has a container containing water “at hand”. The latter must always be in a comfortable position, taking into account its size. Placing a drinking trough next to its kennel is an effective way to allow your pet to drink without excessive effort.

We must not skimp on the amount of drinking troughs in the house, especially if the animal spends many hours alone. The containers can be located in different rooms, so that the dog can drink as much as he wants.

2. Change the water every day

If your dog hasn’t been drinking from a particular container (in case he has more than one), don’t leave the same liquid for the next day. We recommend that you change the water every evening or every morning, making sure it is always new, fresh and clean.

3. Pay attention to the location of the water

If your dog spends time outside the home (for example, in the yard or on the terrace), try to make sure that the watering hole is in the shade, most of the time.

And if for some reason you find that the water is warmer than it should be, you can add a few ice cubes to cool it down. Don’t overdo it though, as this solution could cause your pet to have throat problems.

4. Find out what your dog’s tastes are

Since water is so important to dogs, we can’t leave anything to chance. We refer to the fact that you should find out what your pet likes best and offer it to him. Some dogs like large bowls, while others prefer to drink from a fountain.

It is also possible that the animal only drinks if the water comes out of a tap or that it likes puddles from which to drink in a “wild” way.

Finally, increase your pet’s water consumption by resorting to food: choose some vegetables that are suitable for mixing with his feed.

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