Hundreds Of Dogs Are Abandoned By The Faithful In The Basilica

Hundreds of dogs are abandoned by the faithful in the basilica

Every December 12, the faithful go on a pilgrimage on foot to the Basilica of Guadalupe, Mexico. Some are accompanied by their dogs and others are furry, in addition, they are added along the way. But upon their return, many dogs are abandoned and remain adrift near the church.

This is how dogs are abandoned in the Basilica of Guadalupe


To commemorate the apparitions of the Virgin to the indigenous Juan Diego in 1531, a large number of people reached her on foot from various places in the country to the foot of the Tepeyac hill, in the north of the Mexican capital.

Unfortunately, the faithful are joined by dogs, their own and those of others, who in most cases do not return home when the pilgrims make their way back, usually by bus.

That’s when animal advocacy organizations need to step into action. This is the case of the Mexican Association for Animal Rights (Amedea), which deals with the recovery of dogs. The furry ones are temporarily transferred to a shelter near the basilica.

In the shelter, the dogs are cared for and sterilized. So they are waiting to be adopted and to have a second chance with responsible people.

A permanent home for “pilgrim” dogs

This year, activists called for the collaboration of the basilica’s authorities to urge the faithful not to encourage the abandonment of dogs. And also to ask them not to allow animals to follow them. The fact is that, in many cases, the furry ones join the pilgrimage because the participants give them food.

On the other hand, the managers of Amedea hope to be able to count, in a short time, on a space in the Ajusco area, in the extreme southwest of Mexico City.

The idea is to use that place to ensure that dogs that are abandoned during this massive manifestation of faith have a permanent space. But other animals victims of different types of mistreatment will also be welcomed there.

Diego, the first dog rescued near the sanctuary

During the last pilgrimage, the first ransomed hairy one was baptized Diego, in honor of the saint Juan Diego.

According to Mexican oral tradition, and based on information found in various historical documents of the Vatican, it is estimated that the Virgin Mary appeared four times to the native San Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin on the Tepeyac hill. And that, on a fifth occasion, he manifested himself to his uncle, Juan Bernardino.

The events took place in 1531, ten years after the fall of Tenochtitlan into the hands of the Spanish conquistadors.

The search for the true Christian spirit


The famous and national Basilica of Santa Maria di Guadalupe was erected between 1974 and 1976, after the original construction, built in the 16th century, became dangerous due to the sinking of its foundations.

Designed by the architect Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, the church has a circular structure. In this way, the original image of the Virgin of Guadalupe can be seen from anywhere in the church. Inside, it can accommodate up to ten thousand people.

The Basilica is the second most visited Marian complex in the world. Only St. Peter’s Basilica surpasses it. About twenty million pilgrims go to the sanctuary every year. Almost half of them arrive on the day of the celebration of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe or on dates close to it.

It would be fantastic – as Serrat sings – if the Christian spirit of these faithful also manifested itself with dogs. Many seem to forget that even animals are God’s creatures.

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