How To Remove Ticks From Your Dogs?

How to remove ticks from your dogs

The parasites that cause your pets the most problems are ticks. They don’t just itch. In fact, these little creatures are transmitters of serious diseases. It is essential that your dogs do not have them.

Currently, serious pathologies have been found in humans  associated with stings from this subclass of arachnids. They have long been known for their infectious power.

It is important to remove them immediately from the skin to avoid problems.

Here are some tips for removing ticks from your dogs.

How to identify them?

A characteristic feature of these parasites is the large, hard shell that protects their entire upper body. However, there are also species with a soft protective membrane, such as the  Otobius  megnini .

All ticks have three stages of their evolutionary process: the larva, the nymph and finally the adult stage.

You need to know that the more time the animal spends inside a dog’s skin, the greater the chance it will affect its immune system. These parasites can cause poisoning and paralysis.

Items to be used to extract ticks

Before starting the process, you need to have some tools available. First of all,  the pliers and gloves will be foolproof objects to be able to remove ticks firmly, effectively and precisely. A comb would also be of great help.

Also use alcohol and a skin disinfectant. It is important to clean the wound after extraction.

There are special tools that allow you to grab ticks by the head, and  this will loosen the grip they have on the animal. Despite this, it is not worth getting them, unless the dog is full of these parasites.

Check your dogs

You must periodically inspect the skin and coat of your dogs and cats. Only then will you be able to identify the problem from the beginning, and not when the animal starts scratching for stings.

Ticks can attach themselves to any part of the body,  but there are more prone areas. In general, these settle in areas with difficult access and where it is easy to pass through the hair.

The parts where it is most likely to locate them are: the legs, the toes, the chest, the tail, the head, the muzzle, the inner area of ​​the ears and the neck.

A bath before starting

It is always useful to give the dog a bath before starting to remove ticks. There are special shampoos and talcum powder for extracting parasites, although many of these products have strong chemical components.

Some of these are not suitable for puppies in their first months of life. For this, we advise you to consult a veterinarian if you have any doubts about the contraindications.

There are also flea sprays on the market that could help weaken these arachnids,  and then eliminate them permanently. The best thing to do is to read the instructions and consult a specialist.

Grasping ticks by the head

After identifying the tick, move the fur away from the affected area.  The important thing is not to lose sight of it.

Then,  to remove it, take tweezers and grab the tick by the head,  trying to get closer to the point where it is attached to the skin. Two things are a priority: 1) You don’t have to pierce the dog’s skin. 2) Prevent the arachnid’s head from staying inside.

In a nutshell, you have to take it off and prevent it from breaking. The most difficult thing is to make your 4-legged friend sit still and calm during the procedure.

How to disinfect the wound?

Once extracted, put it in a container full of alcohol,  and leave it for 24 hours. Only then can you ensure that he dies.

After that, disinfect and clean the dog’s wound to make a full recovery. We recommend using cotton.

Natural remedies to remove ticks

There are some natural products that can help you fight ticks that affect animals. For example, lemon and other citrus fruits in general are said to hinder these parasites.

Other products such as olive oil, petroleum jelly, chamomile and apple cider vinegar could help weaken them.

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