How To Cure Scabies If It Affects Your Dog

How to cure scabies if it affects your dog

Scabies is a relatively common contagious skin infestation in dogs and also in other animals such as cats. It is an easily diagnosed and treatable disease, but on which it is crucial to intervene in time. Obviously to avoid complications which, in extreme cases, can lead to lethal consequences.

At the origin of scabies we find a species of mite, the Sarcoptes scabiei , present at the level of the dog’s epidermis. Mostly, the infection occurs through direct contact with another already infected living being.

If you suspect your dog is suffering from it, the advice is to go to the vet immediately. The family of the responsible parasite must first be identified in order to be able to administer the appropriate treatment. To avoid worse problems, in this article we will explain what it is, how it manifests itself and how to treat scabies in dogs.

How to know if your dog has scabies

How to cure scabies if it affects your dog

The symptomatology of scabies presents a series of constant and visible elements. Most of these signs are evident already during the initial phase:

  • Itching and burning of the skin. Your dog will begin to scratch compulsively. So be careful not to confuse this situation with a normal presence of fleas. The level of itching can become such as to force the poor animal to scratch with objects, rub against walls and everything in sight.
  • Redness or inflammation of some areas. First of all, small wounds will appear, followed by sores. An obvious consequence of the dog’s compulsive scratching. But they are also the fruit of the same mite that begins to spread on the skin of its victim.
  • Hair loss. The affected areas will appear completely exposed, without the presence of hair.
  • Lack of appetite and weight loss. The general malaise that results from the first symptoms will trigger more serious consequences. For example, loss of appetite and consequent weight loss. Your friend’s overall appearance will deteriorate quickly and noticeably.
  • Rashes, flaky skin, bad smell, dehydration and scabs. .. As soon as the scabies spreads over large areas of the animal’s body, it will show itself with all its violence. It is necessary to avoid reaching this extreme state, intervening in advance in order to favor a full recovery. As always, prevention is better than cure.

How to prevent scabies in dogs

Sometimes something can escape the eyes of the master, even the most attentive and scrupulous one. In order to ward off a scabies attack, there are small tricks that can save you more than one worry.

Let’s see together three practical tips that will help you prevent scabies and avoid its terrible consequences:

  1. Adequate nutrition. In the case of demodectic scabies or red scabies , the mites responsible for the disease are abundantly present on the skin and in the hair of the dog. A well-fed and healthy animal has a more effective immune system that will counteract the proliferation of mites without problems. On the contrary, in the case of a malnourished animal, the dangerous microorganisms will certainly have an easy life.
  2. Respect the schedule of vaccines and pesticides. Having a dog means taking care of his health, in every sense. Take him regularly to the vet and carefully follow the procedures that will allow to keep bacteria of various types away. Most diseases can be diagnosed immediately with routine visits, allowing immediate action.
  3. Hygiene care and cleaning of the animal. Ask your vet how and how often to wash your four-legged friend. There are specific products to prevent the proliferation of unwanted guests such as fleas or mites. Let him live and grow in a safe home and environment, from the point of view of general hygiene.

How to cure scabies, if prevention is not enough

How to cure scabies if it affects your dog

There are no do-it-yourself remedies to treat scabies, which is to be considered among the most serious canine diseases. However, there are several measures that will help relieve your pet’s pain and itching. Always remember to seek the advice of a specialist. Scabies can only be eradicated by following the treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

  • Apply oil to the affected areas. Olive, lavender or almond: it doesn’t matter what oil it is. In addition to moisturizing the skin, it will kill the weakest mites and eliminate the larvae.
  • Lemon. Sliced ​​and gently applied to scabies affected areas, it works as an effective disinfectant.
  • Composed of garlic and lemon. The disinfectant property of lemon combines with the healing properties of garlic. You can prepare this infusion with 40 garlic cloves, a whole lemon and 4 liters of water, after boiling and cooling it. Apply generously to your dog’s exposed areas.
  • Tea with Aloe Vera. Apply it to your friend’s skin, as it stops the mite from multiplying.
  • Honey. Another natural element that you can use freely on the skin abused by the disease. Let it act for a not excessive period of time, then remove everything with a damp cloth, to avoid attracting insects or ants.
  • Stay close to your dog. Although he will need to be isolated during scabies treatment, you will need to be good at animating and distracting him. Your pet, already scared and in pain, will need to think about something else. Try to keep the daily routine, with games, cuddles, walks and affection.

    We conclude this article by recalling that some types of scabies can also be transmitted to humans. For this reason, you will need to be cautious and protect your hands with latex gloves whenever you come into contact with the animal.

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