How To Choose The Best Godfather For Your Pet

How to choose the best godfather for your pet

There are many reasons why, unfortunately, sometimes owners and pets have to spend a separate period of time . Reasons for work, holidays, an unforeseen event or a change in the conformation of the family. In any case, you will need to enlist the help of a person. A special man or woman, animal lovers, who are able to take care of your dog or cat with affection and without any risk.

The best godfather for your four-legged friend

Welcoming a dog or a cat (to name only the two most frequent species of domestic mascots ) at home is a considerable responsibility. It is something no one can take lightly and requires patience, attention and time. They are living beings with their own needs and requirements which include nutrition, hygiene, physical activity and health protection.

master strokes cat

We mentioned, at the beginning of this article, the opportunity to use a  dog sitter when you are forced to leave your pets alone. What will happen, however, when the Almighty calls you back to his side? (Any conjuration is welcome …).

The subject of the master’s death is delicate and complex at the same time. Family members do not always  peacefully accept taking care of a dog or cat. Most of the time, the same script favored by the selfishness of our modern society is repeated over and over again. A grandfather or aunt disappears, and his beloved pet ends up in a kennel or even abandoned.

Choosing a godfather while you are still alive is certainly the best option. Someone you know, a person who offers you all the guarantees regarding the safeguarding of the life of a living being who has given you a lot. And that, in your absence, he too will suffer. And not a little.

How to choose the best godfather for your pet

  • As a first step, you will need to find someone who loves animals. This is a condition with no exceptions. It means guaranteeing your dog or cat the same quality of life, affection and attention, without sudden changes.
  • Second, check that there is a  positive feeling. You can choose this person among those who, between neighbors and family members, have shown the best relationship and bond with your  pet .
  • Another aspect to consider is making sure this new godfather  has all the right requirements for the welcome. This does not just mean a beautiful house, with large spaces, a terrace or a garden. But also, and above all, that he has time to devote to the animal. A person who spends all day away from home and travels on weekends is obviously not suited to the job.
  • Finally, observe the reaction of the future godfather when you tell him about your idea of ​​giving him your dog or cat. A positive reaction, marked by joy and surprise, is certainly the best you can receive.

Tips for choosing the best godfather for pets

If you know that you will be away for at least a week, you will need to take steps to find a dog sitter or  catsitter suitable for your pet. If you have a dog, the movement will take place in a very fast and practical way. Bring his favorite toys, bowls and baby food or foods that he likes most into the new home. Finding  familiar objects around you will improve your approach to the new environment.

As for your cat, you will need to  choose a person to go to your home to feed and change the water and litter of the litter box for your little feline.

cat in the litter box on the porch

Look for your replacement  in time, i.e. do not wait until the last moment to solve the problem. As the holidays approach, the number of people who can help you is reduced, so move in time and  reward this sacrifice. Offering a refund can be a perfect incentive for everything to go well.

Moreover, today, thanks to modern  smartphones , you can  check the health of your dog in real time. Get photos and videos of your four-legged friend sent to you as often as necessary.

Source of the main image: Friends with the tail

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