Having A Dog Makes You Rich

Having a dog makes you rich

It doesn’t matter if you have no money or possessions, just having a dog makes you rich ” if you identify with this thought of 

Louis Sabin, and if you also think that dog owners have a treasure, then welcome to the club of people who enjoy the love of a pet. 

The love of an animal is not bought with money

People can be rich in many ways. Wealth is not measured solely with the money you have. Of course, material possessions are important and convenient , however, a dog’s love cannot be bought with all the gold in the world.

On the other hand, those who have a dog know they are a lucky and rich person even if often at the expense of their wallet or bank account.

Why having a dog enriches

There are so many things in life that cannot be bought with money. Among these, the most important is undoubtedly the love and fidelity of a loyal and affectionate dog.

It is that having a four-legged friend makes you rich in various ways and brings out the best in you, making you a better person.

  • It makes you feel loved and chases away loneliness in moments when you are away from friends and family.
  • It is the best antidote to stress and depression in the modern world.
  • Stimulate your social life through outings and walks.
  • It keeps you active through play and walks.

It doesn’t matter if you have no money or possessions,

the mere fact of owning a dog makes you rich
-Louis Sabin-

Dogs and children

If you grew up next to a pet, you must consider yourself lucky. Surely even today, among your best childhood memories there are the experiences lived in the company of your dog.

For this reason, do not deny your children to have such an experience: growing up in the company of a dog is a stimulating and enriching adventure like no other. Every adult should have an obligation to allow their children to be happy and to play with a dog.

The little ones of the house who live with a dog have a priceless treasure next to them. Not only do they have the best playmate and adventure companion, but they also learn to be responsible, generous and empathetic. And as adults, they will be better people.

Adopt a dog and enrich your life

If you are not among the lucky ones who enjoyed the company of a dog in their childhood, do not resign yourself because it is never too late to adopt a dog.

A dog next to you will make you happier and healthier. There is no better medicine than petting a dog, seeing is believing! And it doesn’t end there, you will be amazed by all the love that the animal is able to give you, without ever expecting anything in return.

Over time, you will also understand that having a dog makes you rich without necessarily having to have money or material possessions

What kind of wealth do dogs give

The wealth that a dog gives is immaterial, which is why it is even more important. It is a wealth without limits, indeed, it increases day by day.

You must learn to give and receive love. Only in this way will you be able to enjoy the infinity of good things that a dog gives you.

Benefits that a pet brings

It is not yet clear who adopts whom: if it is people who adopt a dog, or if it is dogs that adopt people. It is probably the combination of both.

Beyond that, think about everything it means to be able to rely on a selfless being who:

  • He always welcomes you with joy.
  • He forgives you defects and mistakes.
  • It accompanies you even in the worst moments of life.
  • He wags his tail to show you how happy he is to see you.
  • He accepts you as you are.

    The necessary wealth

    “Rich is not someone who has a lot, but who does not need anything” said the Argentine singer-songwriter Facundo Cabral, who died in an ambush in 2011.

    This aphorism fits perfectly if we are referring to money or material goods, but it is not valid if we are talking about other types of wealth. So,  allow yourself the luxury of having a dog in your life and enjoying the unconditional love of a four-legged friend.

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