Having A Dog Improves Mental And Physical Health

Having a dog improves mental and physical health

Adopting a dog brings nothing but benefits to its owners. There are those who argue that, more than an act of altruism, deciding to take care of a dog is an act of selfishness, given the enormous advantages that this entails. Also for our health.

The nickname “man’s best friend” is well deserved. The simple fact of counting on the company of a dog is already quite a profit.

Benefits in all areas, including health

The benefits a dog brings to our life and health are numerous and varied. Below, we’ll look at some of them:

Reduction of stress and pressure

When we interact with our pet through petting or playing, or through simple actions like taking them for a walk, our stress levels drop and the pressure drops. At the same time, the feeling of well-being increases.

The fight against loneliness

When you need to talk to someone, no living thing will listen with more attention and patience than a dog.

Dogs reduce the feeling of loneliness and are a great antidote to depression. Relying on the company of a dog relieves the feeling of loneliness that people who, for whatever reason, live alone can feel. For those with depressive problems, the responsibility of caring for an animal is one more reason to get up and move on.

Personal self-esteem

Studies carried out by the universities of Miami and San Luis have concluded that people who have dogs progressively increase their levels of self-confidence and self-confidence.

Increased physical activity

Many people aim to adopt a daily exercise routine. However, for different reasons (from actual physical fatigue to lack of time and lack of willpower), many times their plans don’t materialize.

From the moment you decide to adopt a dog, going out for a walk in the morning and at the end of the day ceases to be optional. Dogs, being living beings, have physiological needs to satisfy. Furthermore, just like their owners, they need daily physical activity to enjoy good physical and mental health.

A better social life

People who have dogs are usually very popular with their friends and neighbors. They exude safety, responsibility, well-being and health. There are numerous films and TV series that show love affairs that began with a conversation in the park as a cliché.

Cliché or not, it is certainly true that going out for a walk with a dog opens up a range of possibilities for starting new relationships. Furthermore, it allows such acquaintances between people with similar interests.

Senior citizens

For the eldest of the family, taking care of an animal can become a very useful responsibility, something to be done every day.

They favor a quick recovery

Several studies have shown this. Dog owners who are victims of heart attacks or undergo surgery recover faster.

An element of family union

Having to look after the four-legged member of the household will always be a good reason for the “humans of the pack” to interact more with each other. Additionally, dogs tend to create more relaxed and relaxed environments. Although dog pranks can heat the hearts, over time everyone tends to laugh at the animal’s madness.

Dogs and children

The benefits that dogs bring to families with small children (even infants) are also tangible.

Let’s go beyond what was said previously. Let’s see the advantages that dogs offer to the little ones of the house. Living with a canine “brother” favors:

  • Strengthening of the immune system. The times when pediatricians disliked the presence of pets in homes with small children are now becoming increasingly isolated in the past.
  • Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has established that children who grow up with pets suffer up to 50 percent fewer allergies. The reason is simple: animal bacteria help strengthen the immune system.
  • They offer complementary training. Children develop a sense of responsibility, friendship, love and loyalty as they care for dogs. At the same time, animals serve as “means” for specific pedagogical goals. That is, overcome the fear of public speaking or improve reading aloud.

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