Has Your Dog Tried To Bite You? Causes And Solutions

Has your dog tried to bite you?  Causes and solutions

Most dog owners wouldn’t want their furry friend to lose his head one day and try to bite them. On many occasions you may have seen him being aggressive with someone, and even with you, but you could never have imagined that he could give you a bite. Has your dog tried to bite you? Don’t be alarmed, everything is under control.

In this article we will list the causes and solutions of this gesture. But even if it can be solved, you don’t have to overlook it. You have to act quickly to try to fix the problem.

Why might your dog want to bite you?

act quickly if your dog has tried to bite you

Dogs and humans have been living together for years. It is obvious that the dog had to adapt to the norms of human society. This indicates that the animals are not aggressive. Just because your dog has tried to bite you doesn’t mean it’s innate or that there isn’t a solution.

However, even though dogs have been able to adapt very well to people’s lifestyles, their instincts and behavior, learned from their ancestors, is something that cannot be eradicated from their personality. But there are some behaviors that you can control.

As we have told you many times,  wolves are the ancestors of dogs. And since they have never been domesticated, dogs have some characteristics in common with them. 

For example, they were born to live outdoors with their animal family. This is why adapting to apartment life is sometimes not easy for dogs. It is something unnatural. If you don’t put the right foundation right from the start, behavior problems could arise.

These bases are love, patience, affection and, above all, proper socialization with the dog.

Necessity of membership

First,  understand the canine need to be part of a pack. Before being domesticated, like wolves, dogs also moved in packs and had a leader. Even if they easily submitted to their pack leader, if they saw that he was not fulfilling his role at his best, they would start struggling to take control.

Therefore, for a pet, the pack leader is you. If the dog senses that you are not doing your job well, he will want to take command. How? Struggling, then biting you.

How can you subconsciously show him that you are not a good leader? Being too permissive towards him. If the dog notices that he can do whatever he wants, you will have lost all your authority over him, and he will become the pack leader.

What to do if your dog has tried to bite you


If your dog has tried to bite you, it is because you have lost your authority. To prevent it from happening, or if it has already happened, you will have to work to win it back.

The dog must understand that you are in charge and that you also dictate the rules. Furthermore, it is important that, if  there are other members in the family, they too respect the rules regarding the times of going out, eating, playing and behaving. 

As for the latter, you have to make it clear whether the dog, for example, can get on the bed or the sofa, whether or not he can enter the bedroom, or any other rule of yours.

If, on the other hand, the dog has had this behavior as an adult, there may have been a lack of socialization. Although it is a process that must start as a puppy, it is not impossible to try to improve this aspect in an adult dog.

In our blog you will find many articles about it, and you can ask your veterinarian, a trainer or even a psychologist for advice.

The important thing is that you  don’t underestimate this behavior. As soon as your dog tries to bite you, you must act without delay  to correct this attitude.

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