Every Dog ​​has A Great Spirit

It is undeniable that the dog is man’s best friend. The bond that is established between dogs and people is unique: there are no other examples in nature of such a strong alliance between two different species. Today we want to talk to you about why we are led to think that every dog ​​has a great spirit. Each person has their own personal tastes regarding pets, but it is undeniable that dogs, thanks to their character, their kindness and their affection, are the pets par excellence.. Who among you has never heard of extraordinary stories of loyalty and fidelity that have a dog as the protagonist? The dog has always been the object of admiration and respect, just think for example of the mythological tales in which man’s faithful friend is represented as a terrible protector of the dwelling or as a devoted companion in adventures. Let’s see what are the characteristics of dogs that have always fascinated man: 

Always energetic and willing

Dogs are playful imperishable. Unless they are sick or tired, dogs are always willing to have fun and play with the owner. 

Dogs love to run outdoors, but they are also social animals and it is important, therefore, to give them the opportunity to interact with their own kind. They are essential activities for the correct psychophysical development of the animal. 

In case of insufficient exercise, an accumulation of energy is produced in the dog which will give rise to problems of stress and anxiety.

Sociable character

Dogs are social animals, as the interactions they maintain are subordinate to the pack. It has been shown that the social structure of dogs is hierarchical pyramidal. It is important for the dog to recognize in their owner a leader to be respected. For this to be possible, the owner must devote several hours a day to educating the dog.

Remember that socialization must also be an important part of the dog’s education process. If you get used to your dog from being a puppy to stay and play with his fellowmen, you will avoid the onset of nervousness, stress and aggression.

Faithful like no one

Dogs are extremely loyal and faithful animals. Even the smallest dog in the world can turn into a fearless defender of the owner if he is in trouble. 

There are thousands of stories of dog heroes who have saved and helped humans. They are animals, courageous, devoted and patient: not even the disappearance of the owner extinguishes the love of the dog.

Unfortunately, the unconditional love that dogs are capable of can turn into their Achilles heel: if the owner mistreats them, they can’t even defend themselves. They don’t understand what is happening, but they accept the behavior of their beloved leader.

A responsible and respectful owner educates his pet with kindness and love. Violence and screaming must be banned, because it is unfair and counterproductive behavior: an abused dog will be a sad, fearful and resentful animal.


Dogs have been shown to be able to interpret the owner’s mood. Whenever we feel down, the dog tries to cheer us up.

Dogs, and some primates, are the only animals able to sympathize with humans and help them socially: they understand people’s sadness and offer, by instinct, comfort and closeness.

Don’t you think it’s right to pay them back with the same coin? Don’t hurt your dog, don’t be overly strict and don’t punish him. Your faithful friend needs teaching, and education is a process in which some mistakes can be made. A good owner is patient and learns to interpret the tastes and behaviors of their dog.

An exceptional psyche

It is not true that there are races that are more intelligent than others.  There are only breeds of dogs more predisposed to education and subjects prone to obey the orders of the master.

Any dog, even an adult, is capable of learning new things. The teachings can come from the education imparted by the master or from the stimuli of the surrounding world.

All dogs are curious and lively, they love to learn new games and tricks.

Anyone who decides to adopt a dog as a pet can count on the love of a generous and courageous animal, willing to stay by his side even in the worst moments.

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