Dogs Don’t Die, They Sleep Close To Our Heart

Dogs don't die, they sleep close to our heart

“Dogs never die, they sleep close to our heart” is the perfect synthesis in words of the feeling of a user of the social network Reddit, after the loss of his four-legged companion.

The message that Milky J (Ernest Montague) wrote after the death of his partner Bolo,  “a black and white Pitbull, who always wanted to go out for a run”,  went viral and touched the hearts of many users who, like the ‘author of the message, have experienced the loss of a pet.

When a furry friend leaves us

Anyone who considers their dog as a family member knows that  their friend’s death is a traumatic and painful experience.

Only those who have never shared part of their life with a pet animal, or who despite having animals do not know or do not want to love them, are indifferent  or incredulous in the face of the pain that the death of one of these beings can cause in many people. so loved.

Although life naturally goes on and you have to learn to deal with these losses,  you have to go through this phase with conscience and cry when you feel the need.

Dogs never die, they live in our memories

stray dog ​​saves life

For those who are used to it, it is not easy to go home, after a long day of work, and not receive the holidays of a happy animal  that made you forget all the worries and tensions of everyday life, at least for a moment.

For the many people who live alone and for many elderly people, the dog is often the only daily companion. Not to mention the children. Losing their unconditional playmate isn’t easy at all.

But the death of our loved ones must be faced and little by little the pain of the loss will turn into happy memories of the good times spent together with the beloved dog.

How to deal with the loss of a pet

While each person is different and deals with pain in their own way, we would like to share some tips with you that may help you get through the sad moment more easily:

  • Don’t be afraid to cry and express the suffering you suffer in front of others. There is no point in repressing your feelings, but you have to express them.
  • Calm down and carefully explain to the children what is happening, so that they can better understand this sad situation and learn from it.
  • Cast out any feelings of guilt. During all these years of living together you have certainly given your best for your dog and the proof is the affection with which he repaid you.
  • Don’t obsess about  the death of your pet. Try, little by little, to leave bad thoughts behind and replace them with good memories.
  • Do not try to immediately replace the deceased dog with another animal. Each dog is unique and unrepeatable and so will your next pet.

Ernest Montague’s message


To commemorate Bolo, Montague explains in his message why he thinks dogs never die. Simply because “they don’t know how to do it. They get tired, they get old and their bones ache ”. Then they will simply fall asleep next to their master’s heart.

And every now and then they wake up and wag their tails happy. This is why the chest hurts so much and there is a great desire to cry.

Montague adds however, “Don’t be fooled though. They are not dead. There is no way. They sleep next to your heart and wake up when you least expect it. Dogs are like that. I feel sorry for those who don’t have a dog that sleeps next to their heart. They get lost a lot. And now sorry, I have to go cry. “

Life goes on and it is always good to give love

Only time will decide when the time is right for another dog to enter your life. But only when you are ready to love him and share your days with him.

If you expect it to simply fill in the void left by your former partner, you are on the wrong track.  You will harm yourself and your dog.

Adopting a new pet will be a happy and positive experience if and only if it helps you remember with a smile on your face the dog that is no longer with you. So that, continue to live on the wave of optimism and take the new member of the family for a walk and accompany you with the good memory of the animal that lives and sleeps next to your heart.

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