Do You Know What Your Dog Wants To Tell You?

Do you know what your dog wants to tell you?

Do you know what your dog wants to tell you?

Dogs do not communicate solely through barking or sound language. They also “speak” with their body, especially with their eyes, tail and ears, and also with their way of acting or with distinctive physical traits. Thus they express love, fear, pain, jealousy, happiness and much more. In this article, we give you some tips to help you interpret what your dog is trying to tell you.

How does he try to tell you that he loves you and is happy

A dog who loves his owner is happy and shows his cheerfulness with different parts of the body. It will certainly waggle its tail vigorously and observe you with bright, bright eyes. In addition to this, you will need to pay attention to the following details:


  • If his ears are pointed forward or upward, it means that he is paying close attention to everything you say or do.
  • If his eyes are wide open it is because he is on the alert and wants to play. If he fidgets or makes noises it is a further sign of his desire to play.
  • If he squats with his front legs stretched and his hind legs raised, he is inviting you to play with him.
  • If he emits a short, high-pitched bark he is showing you his sympathy. Such a verse expresses happiness or emotion.

How to tell if your dog is jealous

Dogs also feel jealous, both towards other animals and towards some people. This problem usually arises when a new member is added to the family: another animal, a child, a new partner, etc.

There are several ways your dog can try to tell you that he is jealous. It will surely try to get your attention. For instance:

  • He barks excessively when you are dealing with the person or animal that arouses his jealousy.
  • He pees all over the house or breaks objects.
  • It follows you everywhere as if it were your shadow or hiding from you.
  • Eat too much or lose your appetite.

How to tell if your dog is scared

When a dog is afraid of something or someone, it can manifest it in a number of ways. Here are some of them:

  • Try to hide from the things and people that scare him.
  • He barks or attacks directly what terrifies him.
  • He stands still, as if waiting for the source of his fear to just vanish.
  • You may have tachycardia, tremor, hyperventilation, dilated pupils, shortness of breath.


    • Bristles the hair.
    • Flattens the body on the ground.
    • He holds his tail between his legs.
    • Fix your gaze on the person, animal, or thing you feel threatened by.
    • It emits short moans.

    How to tell if your four-legged friend is sick or in pain

    Your pet is certainly very intelligent, but he still hasn’t learned to ask you to call the vet when he feels bad. For this, you must pay attention to these signs that can let you know if the dog is sick or in pain:

    • Sudden loss of appetite.
    • Apathy: does not want to play and almost always sleeps.
    • He is restless.
    • He keeps his tail low and moves it little.
    • He emits high-pitched groans.
    • Also, if he barks or barks briefly but in a high tone, he may be expressing sudden pain. If the pain is intense, he will complain at regular intervals.

      Learn to understand other signals your dog is transmitting


      Also look carefully at the following factors:

      • If his ears are tilted back or down more than normal, he compulsively licks certain parts of his body, destroys objects or barks excessively, is stressed or anxious.
      • If he lies on his stomach, it could mean that he shows respect for authority or passive resistance to what he perceives as a threat.
      • If he is about to attack, he may show the whites of his eyes and indirectly look at a potential danger. It is also likely to display teeth, hold its tail low or between its paws, and its body is stiff and leaning forward.
      • If it rests a paw on your knee, it is drawing attention.
      • If he barks continuously, quickly and in a low tone, it is because he has sensed the presence of a stranger or a nearby danger.

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