Do You Have A Character Similar To That Of Your Dog?

Do you have a character similar to that of your dog?

Do you have a character similar to that of your dog?  We are sure that many will answer this question in the affirmative. Maybe because we often instinctively choose the dog that most resembles us, but also because our faithful four-legged friends have extraordinary qualities of imitation and emulation.

Similarities Between Dogs and Humans

It has now become commonplace to say that sooner or later dogs and owners end up having the same facial expression.

To support this claim, many photographic examples have been reported. However, when it comes to human-dog physical similarity, we always remain in the ambit of nice coincidences and conjectures.

When, on the other hand, the similarity of character is examined, we enter the scientific field. 

Our pets adopt a similar character to ours


The question is that – according to what scholars have stated – beyond the breed, physical appearance, etc., most of the time we choose the dog that we think may have a similar character to ours.

Everyone knows, in fact, that dogs adapt to our rhythms of life, emulate our behaviors and end up looking like us.

There is nothing mysterious. Simply, it is a question of habituation (ie the change in the organism’s reactivity to stimuli) and imitation.

How do dogs manage to look like people?

The main form of communication available to dogs is gestural. Owners and dogs are always in close contact. This is how the pet adapts to the rhythms and adopts the behavior of the owner.

For this reason your way of being will closely resemble that of your dog, even if each with its own characteristics.

Dogs know how to interpret our feelings

Dogs are able to perfectly interpret the gestures of the owner. Our faithful four-legged friends are able to know if we are:

  • Merry
  • Angry
  • Worry
  • Sad
  • Anxious
  • Depressed
  • Stressed

This is why when we are happy, our dog is too, and when we are down, our faithful friend tries to cheer us up. 

The main form of communication that a dog has is gestural and postural. Through body language, the dog adapts to our rhythms and imitates our way of doing. 

Why do dogs have a character similar to that of the owner?

Adaptation to the surrounding environment is the answer to the question of why our four-legged friend ends up looking like us. On the other hand, adaptation is essential for survival.

And since dogs depend on people to satisfy basic needs in order to survive, and moreover they live in groups, they learn to use all their skills and abilities of imitation and emulation to be empathic and to make their owner happy. 

What their owners’ dogs reveal

dog-person 3

Both humans and dogs belong to the animal kingdom.

For this reason, the mimicry that is created between the character of dogs and people living under the same roof is very similar to that created between couples of human beings who have lived together for many years. 

You have to be very careful, because your faithful friend could reveal a lot of information about your character, for better or for worse.

To each his own pet

From the moment we are about to adopt a pet, our character comes into play:

  • If you buy a puppy in a pet shop, you can say that we are impulsive or spontaneous:  maybe we saw the puppy locked up in a cage and we couldn’t resist.  
  • If you turn to a breeder, we are probably methodical and organized. We are people who like to be in control of the situation. Contacting an expert is a way to avoid unpleasant surprises related to the health or character of the animal.
  • If we adopt a half-breed from a kennel or if we take a foundling with us, in addition to being compassionate people, we are not even afraid of risk, we are ready to face what the future holds.

And you, do you know what your dog reveals about your character?

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