Children And Puppies: Teach Them How To Treat Them

Children and puppies: teach them how to treat them

The dream of many children is to be able to grow up and become great next to a faithful and inseparable friend: a dog. Even for a puppy, the company of a child can be very stimulating, as they can follow their rhythm. However, to have a coexistence as healthy as possible, you must teach the child some fundamental things, otherwise the relationship between children and puppies could turn into a real pandemonium.

In the example there is teaching


It may seem like a cliché, but an example is the basis of a child’s education. It is difficult for a child to take care of a puppy spontaneously if you have not set an example first. So when you want to correct your dog’s behavior, do it without resorting to violence. In many cases of animal abuse by children, it has been found that they did so by imitating the behavior of their parents or by reproducing the same violence on the animal that they had suffered themselves.

A puppy is a living being, not a toy


The first thing you need to teach your children is that the puppy is not a toy, it is a living being, which feels emotions, feels pain and must be loved and protected. Often dogs, cats or other pets are used to make the child learn to be responsible, but unfortunately this experiment ends with the death of the animal due to negligence or carelessness,  if you want your child to live with. a pet, it is necessary that you also take responsibility for it, do not leave it in the hands of the child, he will not cause harm for malice, but because he  does not yet have the sufficient means to be able to correctly assess situations that can be dangerous for the ‘animal.

That said, let’s review some tips:

  • The child must be told that he must not pull the tail, ears or paws of the puppy, it could harm him;
  • If he wants to pick him up, he can do it while sitting on the ground,  this to prevent the puppy from falling with disastrous consequences;
  • The child must respect the puppy’s sleep, explain to him that the puppy is at an age of development and that he must recover his strength to grow healthy and strong;
  • Teach him to respect the puppy,  not to disturb him, not to take away his food or his belongings, not to tease him, etc. It is a good lesson for your child to learn to value animals and protect life;
  • Take him back seriously if you see him mistreating the puppy,  for example if he steps on him on purpose or if he sticks objects in his eyes or ears.

    The puppy must learn too


    Remember that puppies grow faster than children  and a dog that is intolerant or does not obey orders can be a risk, especially if the children are small. Just as the child must know that he cannot bother or hurt the dog, he too must understand that it is part of his duty to take care of the child. One of the benefits of growing together is that bonds of trust are created such that, if educated properly, it is difficult for them to hurt each other.

    Other things the puppy needs to understand about the baby:

    • She must not touch the baby’s toys,  especially if they are newborn babies
    • Do not lick the cutlery with which the child eats
    • He can’t jump on him,  or get overexcited during the game
    • You have to get him used to making it clear when he is feeling stressed,  they do it by growling. It might seem contradictory, but you should NOT prevent the dog from grunting, because it is the warning before the bite.

    One last recommendation

    Never, ever leave a child alone with a dog,  even if he is perfectly trained and adapted to the family, you cannot predict what situations can arise and the consequences that would result, in fact the dog could react badly, but the child could also causing harm to him without wanting to.

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