Can A Pregnant Bitch Take Medicine?

There are a number of medicines that dogs can take during gestation, although they must be prescribed by a veterinarian
Can a pregnant bitch take medicine?

A pregnancy changes everything, even in animals. When an illness, even if mild, occurs, medicines must be taken, care must be taken that these do not harm either the mother or the fetus. Even in dogs?

Can a pregnant female dog take medicine? 

Why does this question arise?

This question arises due to the composition of medicines. While they are designed to protect your dog’s health, don’t forget that they contain many chemicals that could endanger the life of your dog and her puppies.

Many drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy. Their intake could cause birth defects in puppies, malaise in the mother that would affect her health and that of her babies and, in some cases, even death.

Veterinarian who punctures dogs

The problem is that a pregnancy does not immunize against disease, and a simple cold or a lowered immune defenses could easily occur during this phase. In these cases, you must ask yourself if it is appropriate to give your dog some medicine.

Can a pregnant bitch take safe medicines?

The answer to this question will be given to you by your vet, who has known your dog forever. He knows what his allergies are, the diseases he has had, the vaccines he has been subjected to and the ones he misses. Generally, there are some safe medicines you can take.

Even during pregnancy, your vet may give your female some vaccines that will protect her and the puppies from diseases such as rabies, Parvovirus or hepatitis. These will be prescribed with the utmost precaution.


In case the dog is under treatment before becoming pregnant and has to continue with this, she can do so if the vet allows it and if the medicines are as follows:

  • Ivermectin. It is a compound that fights parasites of the heart or mange and, in the event that the pregnant female has to continue taking it, it will not harm the puppies and will serve to protect them from the mother who could transmit these disorders.
  • Topical anti-fleas. If your dog has fleas or ticks and you were using a chemical that is applied to the skin, it will not affect either the mother or the young. Despite this, pregnancy may weaken the pet’s fur or skin, so you could replace it with home remedies.
  • Thyroxine. This drug is used to treat thyroid problems in dogs and its use does not affect pregnancy, lactation or the health of puppies. Despite this, these conditions are inherited, so if your female dog suffers from hypothyroidism, it is better not to get pregnant.
  • Selamectin. It keeps fleas and ticks away and its use during pregnancy is accepted.
  • Insulin. If your dog has diabetes, it is best not to get pregnant as she will most likely pass the disease on to all puppies. But if this has happened, you can give him his insulin doses without fear of harming the little ones.
  • Commonly used medicines. Antibiotics such as oxytocin are also suitable during your pet’s pregnancy.

However, it is always best to consult your veterinarian, who will tell you which drugs can be administered, the doses and for how long.

Do not use medicine for people and, during your dog’s pregnancy, ask the vet if you can use natural medicine.

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