Bo And Sunny, Obama’s Dogs

Bo and Sunny, Obama's dogs

Although they have now had to abandon it, until recently the White House hosted two very special tenants. It’s about Sunny and Bo. Today we will meet Obama’s dogs together.

The second to arrive was Sunny, fully combed, to keep company with his “little brother” to the president in the famous Oval Room, accompanying him on his nocturnal walks.

At the time, Bo’s arrival in the White House in 2009 gave incredible visibility to this breed, famous in the United States and first introduced in the 1960s.

Famous dogs: Bo and Sunny, Obama’s dogs

For the past eight years, they have been the most popular pets in all of the United States. Their names are Bo and Sunny and they are the two Portuguese water dogs of the Obama family. The breed was chosen because Malia, one of Obama’s two daughters, is allergic to hair, and this is one of the most suitable breeds in these cases. 

The two stand out perfectly because Bo’s belly and paws are white, while Sunny is black from head to toe. They both boast special curls. Finally, Bo, unlike Sunny, was a gift.

They welcome people to parties

Everyone in the United States loved them. They were considered real members of the presidential family, participating in all the official Christmas or Easter celebrations.

When the busy schedule of the former US president allowed him, Barack Obama would go for a walk with his dogs through the gardens of the White House. Sometimes he even allowed them to keep him company in the Oval Room.

Two hairy media stars

But there is more. In addition to becoming the protagonists of humorous cartoons and television programs, Obama’s dogs, Bo and Sunny, have proved to be the ideal sponsors for all the best campaigns of the former president of the United States.

The two dogs are adorable and, in the face of such canine beauty, it would be hard not to be tempted by any initiative in which the two of them appear.

If the president and his wife launched a campaign for the consumption of water in the United States, one of their dogs became a participant in the project by appearing in numerous videos distributed on the net. If an official meeting with the military was planned, rest assured that they too, Bo and Sunny, could not be missing.

The busy schedule of Bo and Sunny, Obama’s dogs

We know that a dog’s life can get quite monotonous, yet that of Bo and Sunny, Obama’s dogs, has always been full of adventures and commitments. The two Portuguese water dogs certainly don’t just eat and sleep all day.

Bo, with his white belly and paws, and Sunny, all black, were for a time the canine ambassadors of the White House, at least as popular as their human counterparts.

Animals have achieved such fame that they have to have well-defined schedules and schedules. As Michelle Obama used to say, Bo and Sunny have had quite a success: “All their fans want to see them and take a picture together,” said the Prima Donna. “At the beginning of the month I receive a reminder with all the requests for meetings to be organized”.

A special task

The eldest of the canine couple has played an important role alongside Dale Haney, chief gardener of the presidential residence, who plans long runs for all the gardens owned – considered a real national park.

These are the words of Mrs. Obama: “Bo wakes up every day and accompanies Dale and all the other guys who work in the park. It is possible to see him walking around and smelling all the plants he encounters. I think he really believes he has a job, he took it all very seriously…  if, for example, I’m in the garden and he sees me, he ignores me to stay with his “work team”.

Danger of seizure

Bo and Sunny are so loved and well-liked by members of the White House that,  in January 2016, alarms went off due to a man’s attempt to kidnap the two animals. The Secret Service stopped a North Dakota individual in Washington who attempted to forcibly take the two famous dogs away.

Skilled swimmers

Water dogs have always been considered great swimmers, often used in rescue operations at sea thanks to their large paws.

The breed owes its name to the fact that it was used in Portugal to accompany fishermen. In addition to being a guard dog, Portuguese water dogs worked in fish farms, for the recovery of lost or broken nets, and even as canine messengers for ships ashore.

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