Bee Or Wasp Sting In Dogs: How To Behave

Bee or wasp sting in dogs: how to behave

Dogs, like cats, are naturally extremely curious and tend to follow anything that flies, including insects. For this reason it is not uncommon for them to be stung by bees or wasps. Usually the consequences do not go beyond some discomfort related to small irritations that disappear after not long. However, if the stings are numerous, if they took place inside the mouth or if the dog is allergic to the poison that was injected, the consequences can be much more serious.

What to do when faced with a bee or wasp sting


  • If your pet has already presented allergic reactions to these types of bites in the past, do not waste time and take him to the vet urgently, as the possibility of suffering from anaphylactic shock and risking his life is high.
  • If you notice symptoms such as general weakness, difficulty breathing, and increasing swelling around the sting, your pet should be referred immediately to a professional veterinarian. Other symptoms not to be underestimated are:

– Increased heart rate

– Temperature

– He retched

– Diarrhea

– Tremble

– Cold extremities

  • Dogs are usually stung on the muzzle, an extremely sensitive area of ​​their body. In that case they can feel a lot of pain, even if it is easy for them not to suffer more problems. Problems arise when dogs hunt and bite their “prey”. If the inflammation extends to the tongue, mouth, throat or neck, the dog may suffer from blockages and blockages of the upper respiratory tract.
  • The bee sting is notched and detaches from the body of the insect (causing its death), remaining in the skin of the being that was stung. Conversely, even if they are not serrated, the wasps’ stings cause more pain. Furthermore, if they feel attacked, the wasps sting over and over again causing greater discomfort to the animal.
  • If your pet has been stung by a bee you will need to try to extract the stinger. The best way to do this is by scraping it off with a piece of cardboard or by helping yourself with a credit card or other card. The use of forceps is not recommended because pressing the needle could release even more poison and worsen the situation.
  • Once you have removed the stinger, you will need to sanitize the infected area with water and mild dog soap. To decrease swelling and relieve pain, you can apply ice wrapped in a towel, or dry ice. You can also use a mixture of water and baking soda for bee stings, or vinegar diluted with water if the sting is from a wasp.
  • If your vet advises you and gives you the correct doses, give your pet an antihistamine to curb the effects of the sting.

    How to prevent stings


    • The only way to prevent bites is to watch your dog when he plays or walks in the fresh air, especially if he is a puppy.
    • Keep in mind that this type of insects tend to appear in spring and summer, especially in the hottest parts of the day. It will therefore be advisable that you go out with your dog during the early hours of the morning or in the evening, when the temperatures are not so high.
    • Try to keep your pet away from areas rich in vegetation and where there are water sources, because these are the places where bees and wasps are most likely to abound.
    • Since this type of insect is attracted to sweet smells, it is advisable not to spray perfumes on your dog, or to use odorless deodorants when you have to spend time outdoors.
    • Consider the fact that these insects may be attracted to sugary drinks, such as sodas or juices, and to certain types of food, so remember to keep bottles corked and any type of food safe when walking your dog.
    • If despite these precautions you are unable to prevent your dog from being stung, keep calm, clean the sting and observe its evolution. The most likely thing is that nothing serious will happen, but you must be prepared to act in the best way if major disturbances arise. Your faithful friend will certainly be grateful to you.

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