All About Chihuahuas

All about chihuahuas

The Chihuahua is one of those dog breeds that you either adore or don’t like at all. However, there are few people who can resist his sympathy and hold back a smile when they see one on the street. Today we try to learn more about this breed, its physical characteristics and way of being. You will probably end up falling in love with Chihuahuas too!

Origins of Chihuahuas

Everything seems to indicate that this breed is native to Mexico; his ancestor was probably the techichi, a dog raised by indigenous Mexicans hundreds of years ago. Now we will explain why in Mexico there is even a state called Chihuahua …

Around the twentieth century the inhabitants of a locality belonging to this state, began to sell specimens of chihuahua, the result of a cross with the techichi; these were advertised as an older representation of them and with Aztec features.

The idea seemed to appeal to American tourists and soon they began to call these dogs Chihuahua, due to their regional origin.



The best known feature of these cute little dogs is undoubtedly their size. They are small but muscular, the legs are lean and strong. The head is round, sometimes a little out of proportion to the body.

It can be found in almost all shades: white, black, chocolate, gold, etc.


There are those who argue that the Chihuahua has a bad temper: nothing further from the truth. He is an extremely affectionate and sociable dog if he is raised to be so from a puppy.

Its character will depend on the human family and the environment in which it lives. Despite being a potentially affectionate dog, the Chihuahua is also known to be a stubborn dog, who always comes out with his head held high. He is a good observer and gets away from everything he doesn’t like. They generally love being with other Chihuahuas.

Special care

There are many things that are said about the attention to be given to these dogs. For example that they have a very delicate stomach or other myths that we have gradually begun to believe.

In reality, a Chihuahua requires the same care as a normal dog. He likes to run, play in the fresh air, but he also fits in apartments. Just remember not to pamper him too much unless you turn him into a bit of a rude and irritable dog. For the rest, enjoy your chihuahua!

Guide to buying a Chihuahua

As you well know, we prefer adoption, but we realize that purebred dogs, including Chihuahuas, represent a lucrative business. It will therefore be very difficult to find one at the kennel: if you love the Chihuahua you will have to buy it.

You have to consider several factors, especially if you opt for an internet purchase; it is something that we do not recommend because love at first sight is born when you are face to face with our little friends.

If you buy on the internet, keep in mind some factors:


  • Responsibility of the seller. He should not only set the price, but be willing to follow you even after the purchase. It is a further guarantee of the dog’s good health.
  • Check the forums for what people say about that breeder.
  • Make sure the sale is legal and that the puppies have what it takes to be sold.
  • The seller must guarantee you and prove that the animal does not have hereditary diseases.
  • Do not accept puppies that have not completed two months, it is the time that they must spend close to the mother.

If you buy the Chihuahua at a pet store, you are generally safe from a legal point of view; first of all worry about seeing for yourself the dog that will steal your heart. In this case, it is important to evaluate the imprinting, i.e. to be sure that the dog has received a good socialization process with people and other dogs.

You will notice this from the way he reacts when you approach him. A dog without good imprinting will be shy and scared. Don’t think that the best puppy is necessarily the one who is quiet. A puppy must be friendly, active and restless: it is still a baby.

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