A Japanese Company Hires Cats Against Stress

A Japanese company hires cats for stress relief

Interacting with animals in the workplace is a practice that is becoming common in several countries. Contact with cats and dogs has been shown to reduce  employee stress and increase their productivity. Based on these elements, a Japanese company decided to hire a small army of stress- relieving cats. Here’s how the facts unfolded.

Cats against stress: from the sidewalk to the office

The Ferray Corporation is a Japanese company, based in Tokyo, which provides IT consulting and develops web pages and applications. Its director, Hidenobu Fukuda, had the happy idea of adopting stray cats to improve the working environment.

It is known that working days in this Asian country are usually very long. While around 40 hours a week are regulated by law, this figure can actually go up to 70. With this scenario, stress is the order of the day, no doubt.

Nothing better than a feline purring to combat stress at this Japanese company. This was Fukuda’s intention and the decision, original and certainly reckless, is turning out to be very positive.

Since the company hired these stress-relieving cats, employees feel happier and more motivated, increasing their productivity. But the kittens, rescued from the dangers and violence of the street, have also found a real home in the new office.

You work best with purring cats

In a more relaxed work environment, everything seems to work better. That’s why Fukuda encourages her employees to adopt kittens. And it rewards  those who make this laudable decision with a bonus. And it is clear that the employees will go to the office with their four-legged friend.

In the Ferray company, the everyday image is that of people working in front of a computer while a beautiful cat rests on their legs or runs between desks.

Of course, all that glitters is not gold … These restless little animals can sometimes interrupt a phone call or turn off a device with their paws. But it is precisely the naturalness of their behavior that breaks the routine, preventing the accumulation of anxiety.

It should be remembered that in the Japanese capital the number of places where customers come specifically to pet the cats and relax by playing with them is increasing .

Thanks to stress-relieving cats, the company is doing better

Fortunately for humans and animals, the benefits of living with pets are now a reality.

lavoratori con un gatto in ufficio
Photo author: pbs.twimg.com

First of all, this possibility helps those who own a cat and who previously had to leave it alone for whole days. In a company like the Japanese one, employees will be able to work without giving up the affection of their four-legged friend, reducing stress and without having to worry about being away.

Employees happy, stress-free and absenteeism rates in sharp decline. In short, these stress-relieving cats solve many different problems in one go. The only thing missing is that they manage to  raise salaries ! It wouldn’t be a bad idea at all …

Finally, the managers of large companies recognize the importance of contact between humans and animals, which translates into benefits for work and health.

For example, people who have pets get less sick and recover faster from the ailments they may suffer during a normal working year.

The benefits of having cats in the office

But these little domestic felines don’t just eliminate anxiety and stress. They also contribute to:

  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Slow down the pulse rate
  • Reduce the risk of death from heart disease by as much as 30%.

With their purr they cause the body to produce serotonin, better known as the hormone of happiness . In this way, they contribute to improving  people’s mood, making them relax and even  sleep better.

If you want to work better, fight stress and have a healthier, happier life, you’ve figured out what to do. Adopt a cat and convince your boss to let you take him to the office!

Main photo source: Twitter of the Ferray company

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