Why Are There More Flies In The Summer?

Flies in the summer are a nuisance and difficult to get rid of, but in this article we present some home remedies to do so.
Why are there more flies in the summer?

Flies in the summer are an annoying company of walks and picnics. But why are there so many?

These animals reproduce more easily during the summer period due to the fact that the high temperatures facilitate the decomposition of the matter on which they develop; they are very sensitive to cold, which is why they die en masse in winter.

Why are there more flies in the summer?

With the hottest days of the year coming, it  seems like flies follow us wherever we go. In addition to the annoyance of their presence, the question arises as to why  there are more flies in the summer. To find out, read on.

The cold: a natural reproductive control

The fly population drops dramatically during the winter. Like most insects, they too are very sensitive to cold. With the arrival of low temperatures, it is natural that there is a high mortality rate.

Another important fact is that the  few flies that manage to survive the first cold of the year escape to warmer regions. For this reason, in winter it is practically impossible for these insects to reproduce and stay in countries with a harsh climate.

Heat and rapid reproduction – a powerful combination

It may seem strange to you that flies are plentiful in the summer, as they die en masse in the winter. In reality, the explanation for this phenomenon lies in the speed and ease with which these insects reproduce.

fly- on -parquet

To give an idea, it is estimated that a “pair” of flies is enough to generate billions of larvae in one summer. Another finding is that more than half of the eggs laid in pairs usually give rise to females. And that means they will become fertile quickly and lay many more eggs.

Remember  that flies grow mainly on organic matter in the stage of decay,  and this is even more likely when the heat arrives.

In summer, high temperatures favor the proliferation of microorganisms that carry out the degradation of organic matter. Because of this, our food spoils more easily and these foods attract flies.

Considering such reproductive abilities, it is practically impossible to experience a summer without the presence of flies. Nevertheless,  to prevent them from settling on your food and infecting you with diseases,  here are some homemade solutions to keep them away.

fly on light blue edge

Home remedies to keep flies away in the summer

Flies aren’t annoying just because they land on your food or fly around you. They must also move away because many species can transmit diseases, such as dysentery, cholera, salmonella, etc.

Furthermore, if they go over food, they  could deposit various endoparasites that cause a large number of infectious and gastrointestinal diseases. For this reason, here are some home solutions to help you fight them and to preserve your health.

Herbs to ward off flies in the summer

Aromatic herbs are very beneficial and give a pleasant scent to the environment. Additionally, some types are highly effective at warding off flies and other unwanted insects, such as mosquitoes and cockroaches.

Among the best herbs to keep flies away are thyme, mint and rosemary. If you have a garden, you can plant them.

If, on the other hand, you have a small house,  you can arrange pots or simply place some branches near the doors and windows.

Eucalyptus oil to fight insects

Use the natural smell of eucalyptus oil to keep insects away. An alternative is to put a few drops of this essence in a diffuser. Also, you can place scented candles that perform the same function.

You can also dilute the essence in water and spray it near doors and windows. In this case, put about 10 drops of eucalyptus oil per 150ml of water. If you have curtains, spray the liquid on them to prevent insects from entering.

Lavender to perfume the environment and to scare away flies 

Lavender brings one of the most pleasant aromas in nature. Essential oils, candles or lavender fragrances keep flies away. Hence, it is recommended to spray them all over the house.

On the other hand, it  is important to place mosquito nets in all windows of the house to prevent flies from entering. In addition, it is essential to adopt more rigorous hygiene habits and to pay attention to food storage.

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