What Should You Do If You Witness The Mistreatment Of An Animal?

What should you do if you witness an animal being mistreated?

Animal abuse is a sensitive topic, especially because it involves the health and well-being of a living being. However, in some countries, policies and legislation in this respect are still very lacking, even though the vast majority of states have provisions regulating the proper keeping of pets, and the prohibition of keeping certain exotic species. In this article we will give you some indications on what to do if we are witnesses of the mistreatment of an animal. First of all let’s specify what exactly is considered to be mistreatment of an animal. When we talk about animal abuse we are talking about behaviors or actions that, by excess, or by omission, end up putting at risk the integrity, physical and psychological health of an animal, thus jeopardizing its life and normal development.

Excessive acts or behaviors


It is a series of actions or behaviors towards an animal that are considered excessive. For example, violent punishments, beatings, or fury, isolation, repression of their natural behavior, to name a few that end up affecting the animal both in its physical and psychological integrity, preventing its normal development and generating behavioral problems that they will lead to the need for treatments and therapies.

It must be remembered that overfeeding or excessive protection are other forms of maltreatment, because they trigger behaviors in animals similar to those caused by violent treatment (nervous breakdown, stress, aggression, disease).

Acts or conduct by omission 

A whole series of behaviors that neglect an animal’s need. For example, when an animal is not fed, or treated, when it is prevented from moving and therefore from doing activities, among many others. All these actions correspond to systematic behaviors which, like excessive behaviors, are to be considered torture.

Basic needs of an animal

The process for legally determining whether an animal has been mistreated is based on the violation of its basic needs. In general they are these:

  • Respect for his physical integrity
  • Regular veterinary attention and care
  • Diet
  • Exercise and hygiene
  • Adequate hospitalization

Working animals (towed animals)

Working animals

Probably this category and that of pets for food consumption are the ones with the most complete legislation.

Unfortunately, this regulation was not made for the benefit of the animal, but to avoid situations that could affect the smoothness of traffic or human health.

In many countries the use of animal-powered vehicles is prohibited, while in others it is allowed with restrictions on the weight they can carry, but this does not prevent abuse as evidenced by bruises, lacerations, or obvious malnutrition, which can occur. detect on the ribs and prominent flank bones of animals such as horses, donkeys, or oxen.

In the event that you see an abused working animal, you can report the fact to the competent office illustrating the situation, if it is possible by documenting with video or photos, this will serve as evidence, so that the police can seize the animal at the his master.


Among the domestic animals are considered both those that are bred for food consumption and those for companionship. If illegality of domestic animals is observed, police intervention for animals intended for food consumption will be much more diligent.

Due to the fact that in order to breed them, the owners must guarantee suitable hygienic conditions, vaccinations and correct nutrition for these animals, so that the product is of excellent quality and is not risky for people’s health,  a simple phone call to the ASL could solve in these cases the problem. 

Unfortunately, in many countries there is no regulation on the treatment (and on what is considered mistreatment) of pets. Therefore it will be necessary to find out about the regulations in force in each place and how to use it for animals;  for example, in most countries there are codes that regulate the proper keeping of pets, and that illustrate the basic aspects of coexistence with people.

If a rule prescribes a check on the faeces of pet animals to avoid the spread of diseases and bad odors, if you observe an animal living in unhealthy conditions you can call the police. A very useful phenomenon for animals are complaints through social networks, these put pressure on the authorities forcing them to intervene.

You can intervene in the first person, but it is not very recommendable, because even if many of those who abuse animals avoid direct confrontation, you could find yourself in dangerous situations. However, in the event that the abuser shows himself well disposed, one can try to approach in a friendly way, a large number of animal abuse is not due to malice, but to ignorance. Another thing that can be done is to report directly to the animal protection offices, created specifically to receive this type of complaint.

Therefore, it is mainly recommended to inquire, report, collect evidence (videos, photos, testimonies), try to raise awareness and ask for the support of the authorities and animal protection organizations present in your city.

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