How To Take Care Of A Pregnant Bitch

How to take care of a pregnant bitch

The arrival of new puppies in the family is usually an extremely important event. Moreover, as it is easy to understand, it represents a delicate moment. The attention and care to be devoted to the new mother should never be neglected at any time. This is why we found it interesting, as well as useful, to give you some advice to take care of your pregnant bitch.

Taking into account that gestation lasts between 60 and 65 days, according to the different races, there are a series of basic measures for each phase of the process.

Medical supervision, first guardianship for a pregnant bitch

Pets should always be kept under constant supervision  by a veterinarian. When your four-legged friend lives the experience of  pregnancy, it becomes even more essential to rely on the advice and advice of the specialist.

pregnant bitch at the vet

As soon as you suspect that your dog is pregnant, due to the presence of particular  or obvious symptoms , you should immediately go to your trusted veterinarian to be sure and to be able to know, in an indicative way, the date on which the puppies will be born..

The doctor will not only certify that everything is in order. It will also determine the number of puppies in gestation, even recommending extraordinary measures and precautions, in case it is necessary to take special care of the animal.

The feeding of a pregnant bitch

Diet is a crucial element during pregnancy. Remember to always offer a balanced diet, with more attention precisely in the case of an interesting state of your pet.

First of all, keep in mind that doses should never be increased abruptly. Furthermore, it is highly inadvisable to give supplements during the first six weeks of pregnancy. This can cause early and uncontrolled development of gestating puppies, creating difficulties at the time of delivery.

During the first two weeks, the pregnant bitch will be fed the same way she was doing it before the happy news. The routine of physical activities, walks and games should also be maintained, unless the vet indicates otherwise.

From the third week, it is possible that, as in pregnant women, the mother may experience episodes of nausea, with possible vomiting. This can cause loss of appetite, a situation that can inevitably last until the fourth week of pregnancy.

The approach to the birth of your dog

After a month and a half, care for a pregnant animal includes an increase in baby food. The ideal is not to increase the quantities in a disorderly way, but to increase the frequency, dividing the meals in several moments during the day. The puppies on the lap are growing and your dog will need more food.

On the other hand, don’t be frightened if, during the last days of pregnancy, the female will completely lose her appetite. It is something absolutely normal.

From the sixth week of gestation and until weaning, it is recommended to feed the mother with puppy food. These products contain far more nutrients than regular adult dog food.

If you are used to offering your pet a homemade diet, you will need to include more white meat, preferably chicken. A simple food to cook, rich in proteins like no other and that you will surely have at home. It is important that the preparation is exclusively boiled, without including additions or seasonings during cooking.

And the food supplements that are talked about so much? Always talk to your veterinarian first: only he is authorized to indicate the methods and quantities in the use of these synthetic products.

What to do if your dog is pregnant?

Dog owners, especially if they are purebred, often plan their pet’s pregnancy in advance. This includes the choice of his father. In this sense, it is advisable to take the “chosen” one to the vet a few days before. The goal is to verify the presence or absence of congenital or hereditary diseases, as well as any particular negative conditions for mating.

Your dog will also have to be examined in advance, both to determine the best time for  conception and to protect her health at all times and in any case.

We are not only talking about physical complications, but also  psychological ones. It is known that, as in humans, after an unsuccessful breeding some dogs suffer from what, rightly, is called  hysterical pregnancy or false pregnancy.

It is even possible that the animal shows real symptoms of pregnancy, such as the growth of the mammary glands. There are extreme cases with episodes of false childbirth, which must be treated with drugs.

The time of delivery

Females are perfectly capable of fending for themselves during labor. They must remain under surveillance, mainly by someone the animal trusts.

puppy drinks milk from the bottle

Knowing the exact number of puppies in the tummy, six hours after the first, all puppies must have been born. If not, you should take the dog to the vet, without hesitation. In case of crosses, when the father is older, it is recommended to perform a caesarean section. In this way, possible complications are avoided.

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