How To Encourage A Cat To Play? 7 Easy Tricks

If you always invite your cat to play but are not successful, you may not know what their preferences are. It is also possible, however, that your cat is stressed or sick.
How to encourage a cat to play?  7 easy tricks

If you want to encourage a cat to play, observe his behavior. Introduce some gradual changes and note what works. Gradually, your cat will get used to moving. Remember: cats that play are usually happy cats.

How much time should a cat spend playing?

This aspect depends on the individual cat. Nature gives each cat a personality that is its own and that varies in several ways, including its usual level of activity.

It is important to know that the interest that cats have in “high energy” games reaches its climax around the age of four or five months, and then begins to decline.

Thus, once cats have reached adulthood, they tend to divide into two main groups: cats who will continue to play with your ankles and toes and those who will sit on your lap and prefer a less intense activity.

Furthermore, we must remember that cats are animals whose attention span is by nature quite short. Hence, five-minute play sessions are suitable for them. The game works best if it is repeated several times throughout the day.

Encouraging a cat to play: is it possible?

Of course, there are ways to encourage your cat’s activity. Undoubtedly, the game offers a large number of benefits: it fights obesity, reduces boredom and solves cat behavior problems.

In addition, many cat owners enjoy playing with their felines very much. Of course, as long as the cat is willing to cooperate.

According to some behavioral experts, cats that play with their owners are more willing to engage in solitary games at other times. In the following lines we offer you a series of strategies that will help you get your cat to play:

1. Play with your cat

Don’t expect your cat to be a solitaire fanatic – solo play toys are a secondary accessory. In general, they enjoy the games you control a lot more.

2. Imitate the hunting process

The reason many cats are extremely enthusiastic about the game is because they are genetically predisposed to jump on objects that resemble prey.

Therefore, you must try to move the toy as if it were a small prey, moving it away and bringing it closer to the animal while, at the same time, varying its speed, without the movement presenting nervous jerks.

to encourage a cat to play, a great strategy is to imitate hunting

3. Allow the cat to grab the toy

From time to time, since the game mimics hunting, let your cat taste victory. Let the cat jump on the toy, hold it under its paws and taste it. Prey that can never be reached would be frustrating.

4. Avoid routine

Try different toys. Set some aside for a few weeks of “rest”, then return to exchange them with the ones you are using. This way you will avoid boredom and keep the novelty and excitement.

5. Add new things to the games area

For example, by adding a box to the play area, you offer your cat a much-needed variation. If you move the toy around the box, your cat will follow it. If you put it on top, the animal will jump to reach it.

Taking advantage of your cat’s curiosity offers you an almost infinite number of resources. In fact, felines are extremely curious animals.

encouraging a cat to play also means defending him from obesity

6. Find out the best times to encourage a cat to play

Not all moments are equally suited to the game. In nature, the rhythm of a cat’s activities follows a specific pattern, which includes afternoon rest, hunting, feeding and hygiene, and then again rest, hunting … Cats are more alert afterwards. rest and before eating.

7. To encourage a cat to play, use catnip

You may have already tried toys that contain catnip, but bear in mind that not all cats react to this plant. One in three felines are completely indifferent to her.

Many cat toys on the market are scented with catnip, but you can also buy a pack to rub on your feline’s regular toys.

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