The Problem Of Wild Boars In The City

The problem of wild boars in the city

Wild boars in the city are starting to be a problem in several European countries. And, as far as Italy is concerned, probably the best example is what happened in Rome. In various districts of the capital there are sightings of these animals, attracted by waste and food scraps . In this article we will try to analyze the problem comprehensively.

The wild boars in the city and the waste

The wild boar ( Sus scrofa ) is an artiodactyl mammal of the Suidae family with a very high reproductive capacity. In recent years, this index has skyrocketed, with many cities now experiencing a constant presence of colonies of this wild animal. Rome, Bari, Genoa, Lecco, Cassino, Biella and many other locations are approving new measures to stem the emergency.

Not surprisingly, we are talking about one of the most successful animals in our ecosystems. Although its hunting is abundant and permitted, the truth is that the number of specimens continues to increase. We are talking about a value between  600 thousand and one million units. Some blame the hunters themselves. The use of feeders, combined with hunting conducted without scientific criteria and to obtain trophies, could be the trigger for the exponential increase in specimens.

These animals come to the city in search of food. They rummage through the garbage of large urban streets or feed on bowls for stray cats left around by the inhabitants of certain neighborhoods.

This ease in obtaining food allows wild boars to enormously increase their reproduction rate and attract more and more specimens to inhabited centers. During their childhood they learn that food in cities is abundant and easy to obtain, thus getting used to living with noise, cars and lights. In short, they are gradually losing fear of man. And, that too, is a problem, since it can lead to possible attacks.

Wild boars in the city: a danger to people?

The truth is that although these animals are confident and almost never decide to attack, there is always the risk that, in the face of a possible threat, they engage in violent behavior. Especially if we are talking about a mother who wants to protect her puppies.

a black boar walks in a wood

The great strength of these animals, together with their powerful fangs, poses a real danger to people but also to other pets, such as dogs and cats that live in cities. This is why we advise you to keep your distance if you see a wild boar.

In general, the wild boar does not flee in front of people. Indeed, they approach without fear if they are offered food. In any case, it is necessary to avoid all those negative or dangerous behaviors that aim to approach an animal that is in any case wild and, therefore, always unpredictable. For the safety of all, an intervention is necessary to bring these specimens back to life in  natural habitats and far from urban areas.

Possible solutions to the problem of wild boars in the city

To control this emergency, they are choosing to eliminate food sources that attract wild boar. Such as the use of hermetically sealed litter bins or sensitizing the population not to feed wild boars in the city. Two certainly simple measures but worth starting from.

a group of wild boars runs in a meadow

In some Italian regions, however, special licenses have been granted to  kill these animals with the help of hunters, but not only. There are also plans to carry out sterilization campaigns or to capture and move these populations in order to move them away from city areas.

Some speak of an “already lost” battle which also includes the abandonment of the countryside and the lack of resources for interventions deemed excessively late. As we try to study this range of possible solutions, it is clear that we will have to learn to live with this animal, and focus on reducing the causes that push wild boars to abandon the safety of the woods, preferring the constant forays into the suburbs of cities.

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