Asian Elephants: Types And Characteristics Of Gentle Giants

Asian elephants are mammals that live on the Asian continent. They can often be found in domestic environments, in zoos, circuses and in the wild in tropical forests.
Asian elephants: types and characteristics of gentle giants

Asian elephants are those large animals that can be encountered in the rainforests. Their physical appearance conveys power and nobility. Only by saying their name are we permeated with a feeling of strength.

These mammals attract the attention of those who observe them for their majesty and their habits. Despite their large size, they sleep little and like to get wet using their long trunk.

Today we are going to tell you about a particular species of elephant: the Asian elephants. The Asian elephant ( Elephas maximus ) is a wild animal domesticated by humans many years ago. These animals were used to move heavy objects, to transport people and even to fight during wars.

Asian elephants are calm and sociable animals. They can travel long distances in search of food and play an important role in various cultures of the Asian continent. Let’s find out what are the characteristics, habitat and behaviors of these large mammals!

The habitat of Asian elephants

Asian elephants, as a species of mammals belonging to the order of Proboscidea  and to the family of Elephantidae , are animals that also have a cultural role in the Asian continent. These elephants can be found in southern China, the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the southern territories of ancient Mesopotamia.

There are many Asian countries in which these mammals are present: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Sumatra, Borneo, India, south of the Himalayas and in the territories near the Yangtze River. In these places it is common to see them in open areas where there is low vegetation and the presence of shrubs.

In India, they use Asian elephants for activities where their strength is required. For example, to move heavy materials that are used for the construction of buildings. Some of these animals are represented as deities. For example, like the god Ganesha, patron of science and abundance.

Elephas maximus.

Physical characteristics of Asian elephants

Compared to African elephants, their relatives, Asian elephants are smaller. In fact, they are 2 to 3.5 meters high compared to 2.7-4 meters for African elephants. Their gestation period can last up to 22 months and when the “puppy” is born, it can weigh up to 100 kilos.

Asian elephants have a large head, short neck, long, muscular trunk, barrel-shaped body and large legs. The ears are small and round and cannot cover the shoulders. In addition, the back is arched, the tail is long, and the skin is thick, hard and oily.

Their teeth have a peculiarity: they have fangs that are not canines, but rather elongated incisors. These tusks are long in males and may not be present in some females. Also 4 large molars are part of the teeth.

Types of Asian elephants

Within the group of Asian elephants, two subspecies can be identified:

  • The elephant of Borneo. It is the smallest subspecies. It has a long tail, fine fangs and large ears. Its main habitats are the island of Borneo and the jungle of Sabah, Malaysia.
  • The Sri Lankan elephant. It is the largest subspecies of the Asian elephant. Some specimens exceed three meters in height and can weigh up to six tons. Its natural habitat is the island of Sri Lanka.

    What do these mammals eat?

    Adult individuals consume large quantities of roots, fruits, herbs, barks and shrubs. Older elephants can eat up to 135 kilograms of food in a single day. During the day (morning, afternoon and evening), their main activity is eating.

    Asian elephants use water for two purposes. The first is for drinking: these animals love to be near water sources and can consume up to 140 liters of water every day. The second is for “taking a shower”. These pachyderms use their proboscis to fetch water and spray it on their backs.

    Elephants in Asian culture

    From generation to generation, elephants have been very important animals in Asian culture. For example, the role of these animals in wars was of paramount importance.

    Unfortunately, these animals have received unfair treatment. Men use their strength for excessively heavy work. In addition, they have also become a tourist attraction. Because of this, they often experience abuse that degrades their quality of life. All this results in a drastic reduction in the populations of elephants living in the wild.

    Asian elephant cubs playing.

    In recent years, Asian governments have drawn up regulations that seek to protect these animals by making sure that the domestication of elephants is controlled. We must not forget that these animals are in danger of extinction.

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