Why Does A Dog Bow Its Head To The Side?

Why does a dog bow its head to the side?

Probably one of the most frequent and seductive attitudes that dogs have is that of bowing the head with a gesture of amazement that is very tender. Many dog ​​trainers wonder what this behavior is due to, so let’s look at some possible causes for a dog to bow its head to the side.

The reasons why a dog performs this gesture can be different, perhaps it is the response to our voice or to a sound stimulus in general, but it can also be the signal that the dog is experiencing pain from some disease.

Sound stimuli

Unfortunately, there are so far no reliable studies that give a scientific answer to this attitude. However, some experts speculate that dogs lean their heads to the side to hear better with one of their ears.

german shepherd

The same happens with unknown or distant sounds, they try to let in more air to increase their hearing ability and their concentration, and so they can determine, for example, the location of the source of the sound.

Dogs are very curious and want to know any kind of alteration of their territory, they will try to find the point of origin of what attracts their attention and they will check.

Some experts think it is behavior that we have instilled in them without realizing it. One of the easiest ways to teach a dog something is to encourage behavior that is apparently harmless, but which can be risky. For example, when we greet the dog who welcomes us warmly by jumping on us in a state of full excitement. According to this hypothesis, dogs learn that by assuming this posture while we speak, they will receive strokes or prizes, therefore it would correspond to a learned behavior.

One of the most recent interpretations suggests that this attitude is not related to hearing, but to sight,  arguing that dogs have a hard time seeing the face of the speaker due to their muzzle. If we put our closed fist on our nose and try to look, we can understand how limited a dog’s vision is, as they cannot see completely the owner’s face due to the blind spots that are covered by their muzzle, so they bow their heads. to eliminate the blind spot and fully observe the face of the speaker. But, this would suggest that dogs with short or flat snouts would not need to bow their heads, however this has not yet been proven.

A health problem

One reason to carefully consider why our dog bows his head is to relate to his health, especially his hearing.


If your dog, in addition to bowing his head frequently, has the following symptoms, you should go to the vet:

-He shrugs his head too much, does it from one side to the other for a long time and is definitely annoyed.

Has redness or irritation on the bare, clear part of the inner ear.

Bleeds or has excess fluid

Accumulates hair and wax inside the ear

Has obvious pain in the area in question, itching, dermatitis, sudden changes in attitude.

Doesn’t respond when called (could mean hearing loss).

Diseases that impair hearing also affect the dog’s balance, so they may begin to walk in circular paths and become disoriented.

Some of the causes of these difficulties may be of congenital origin. Malformation in the ear canal, nerve damage, ear infections, chronic infections or allergic reactions to foods or medicines.

It is very important that you are attentive to the behaviors that accompany the action of bowing your head, you know your dog better than anyone else and you know when something is wrong.

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