The 10 Sportiest Dog Breeds

The 10 Sportiest Dog Breeds

If you like sports and have a pet, we’re sure you would love to make it your number one exercise partner. Well, even if every dog ​​needs to do a minimum of physical activity, some breeds are more sporty than others.

If you don’t have a dog yet but you want to adopt one, and you are a sports fanatic, today we will show you which dog breeds are more passionate about physical activity, so that you can make your choice.

List of sports-loving dogs

Siberian Husky

It has always been used for towing snow sleds. This activity, along with others, have transformed him into an agile and fast dog, making him one of the sportiest dogs ever.

In addition, he is a sociable animal with those he does not know, so he will not give you problems if you want to go to the park: he will get along with everyone.


It is also known as a German pointing dog. Despite the elegance given to him by his aristocratic air, he is a very sporty dog ​​who loves physical activity.

He is a fast and powerful animal, as well as being gentle with children and people in general. It will be an honor to play sports with him.

Australian Shepherd

This dog is not sporting just as a hobby, but because he needs it. In fact, without an intense exercise program, he could become aggressive  and cause you problems in the family or with strangers when you are away from home.

Border Collie

Movement is part of the DNA of his race.

It is an obedient and alert animal, so you won’t have any problems if you decide to take it running with you and let it loose. He will obey your orders and will be affectionate and kind to anyone he meets on the street.

Giant Schnauzer

Initially it was used as a shepherd dog, until many noticed its great agility and endurance, characteristics that made it enter the list of the most sporting dogs.

His character is also helpful, since despite his serious and distant appearance, he is actually affectionate, docile and balanced. You will have no problem letting it loose during your activity sessions together.

Labrador Retriever

His strong but not exaggerated constitution allows him to be agile and active. Despite being a noble and patient dog of character, keeping him within small spaces could lead him to accumulate too much adrenaline which he will have to somehow release. The ideal animal to go out and play sports.


It is a very easy dog ​​to train, as well as being docile and very sociable. He has a developed sense of protection that will lead him to defend you in the face of any threat.

Plus, his agility and versatility make him one of the sportiest dogs on the list.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Its strength and musculature make it a tough dog, capable of withstanding extreme sports. If you are fond of trekking or aquatrekking, this is the perfect animal for you. With him, however, you will have to be careful in front of strangers, because even if he is not an aggressive dog, he could be wary of strangers.


He has an enviable physique and is the perfect pet for exercise. It is known for its speed, so it will be perfect if you like to go for a run. He is also very affectionate with strangers and not at all grumpy.


In addition to being made for sport, he also needs to follow a balanced diet, as he tends to be overweight as a breed.

He is playful and tender, as well as being sociable and friendly. You will have no problem if you go out and do sports in the open air.

Have you chosen the breed that suits you best? Tell us!

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