Quick Snacks For Your Dog

Quick snacks for your dog

Anyone who has a dog knows very well that some foods are not suitable for their diet. Let’s try, however, to put ourselves in the animal’s shoes: how boring must it be to eat the same thing every day? If you’ve ever thought about surprising your dog’s palate with something different, but then gave up for fear of making a mistake, read on.

We will give you some ideas for preparing a quick snack for your dog, which we are sure will be very successful. But first of all, let’s remember which are the foods that you must not, for any reason, give to a dog.

Prohibited foods



Never feed your dog chocolate for any reason. This food contains a substance called theobromine which can cause irreversible damage to your nervous system.  At worst it can be fatal.


Even though some people end up feeding puppies milk, it’s not a good idea. Milk is difficult to digest, it can cause diarrhea in the dog, since it does not have the enzyme responsible for digesting lactose. This could generate lactose intolerance in the animal, causing it various discomfort.


Like milk, cheese is also not good for dogs and could cause pancreatitis.


This vegetable contains thiosulfate, a substance that can cause anemia in dogs.


Grapes are not suitable for dogs, they can cause intoxication and kidney failure.

There are other prohibited foods for dogs, but none of these are obviously present in the snacks we want to offer you.

Quick snacks for “Fido”

These tasty recipes will vary your dog’s diet and will be very popular. Take note:

Meat and rice pie

It is one of the most popular snacks for dogs, as easy to prepare as making a meal with your leftovers. Mix two or more types of meat (without seasoning or onion) with the rice, vegetables and a few pieces of fruit. Cut everything into small, easy-to-chew pieces. Your dog will lick the bowl.

Bocconcini with tuna

Another very easy recipe to prepare. You just need to mix two cans of tuna (preferably oil-free and low in sodium) with a beaten egg and half a glass of hot water. Place the dough inside a few vol au vents and leave them in the oven for about ten minutes. Let them cool before giving them to your dog.

Vegetarian snack

You can also opt for this vegetarian snack which will help make your dog’s diet more balanced. Prepare a lentil purée and mix it with the rice. It will be very welcome.



All dogs like pasta, so we suggest making one of the most appetizing snacks. You can accompany the macaroni with scrambled or boiled eggs, chicken breast or some sardines (possibly not canned). Choose just one of these side dishes and forget about the sauces.

Rice with chicken

One of the favorite dishes for dogs. Did we mention this for the other snacks as well? Dogs certainly love to eat and any of these recipes will make him happy. In this case, we are not talking about risotto, but of simple well-cooked white rice (or even blended, so it will be even more digestible) accompanied by chicken breast previously cooked on the plate or boiled and cut into pieces.

We hope you like these ideas, but, above all, that your four-legged friends like them. Remember: these are just homemade treats, for variation, it doesn’t have to be your dog’s lifelong diet.

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