The Spine Of Dogs And Cats

In mammals, the spine is the structural basis of the body, the one that allows all movement.
The spine of dogs and cats

In mammals, the spine is the most important structure because it supports the body. It is the structural basis from which all movements start.

The spine allows humans to stand, all parts of the skeleton are connected to it. The natural curves of the spine have evolved to support the weight of the skull.

In mammals, the spine is made up of a chain of bones called vertebrae. Thanks to the ligaments and invertebral discs, it can become very elastic.

This skeletal structure allows the body to move in different directions by balancing the various parts. Despite the similarities, the vertebral columns of mammals do not all function in the same way.

One of the characteristics of the spines of pets is the tail. Whether short or long, the tail is an extension of the spine. It is made up of bones joined together by ligaments and protected by muscles and skin.

There are many differences between the spinal column of humans and that of animals. How does your pet’s spine work?

The spine in dogs

The spine of dogs is divided into three sections: cervical, thoracic and lumbar. The cervical section supports the dog’s skull and shoulders. The thoracic one concerns the area of ​​the torso, where the ribs that protect the internal organs are located.

X-ray of a dog's spine.

Like many other mammals, dogs’ tails are an extension of their spinal column. In some breeds, the tails are long and very flexible, while in others they are short or curled.

A dog’s tail is perhaps its best way to communicate. For an attentive owner, the dog’s tail can tell a lot about the animal’s mood. Different tail movements can tell us if a dog is happy, angry or nervous.

The dog’s tail tendons allow it to move more or less independently of the rest of the body. Therefore, the tendons are responsible for the “communication level” of the dogs’ tails.

Dog tails are incredibly sensitive, due to the presence of numerous nerve endings. For this reason, it is never a good idea to cut the dog’s tail. After surgery, many dogs suffer from their nervous systems not fully recovering.

The queue is not a simple means of communication. In dogs, it is a kind of extra limb: it helps them maintain balance and achieve greater speed while running.

In cats

Cats, like most felines, are incredibly interesting animals to watch. They are extremely fast, agile, have a wide stride and are capable, despite their size, of jumping from considerable heights.

Skeleton of a cat.

If you have cats, you have probably seen them slip into very tight spaces and sleep in the most curious positions. There are several morphological reasons that explain these behaviors and all of them are related to their spinal column.

The spine of cats is hyperflexible, much more than that of other animals. The intervertebral discs are more flexible and soft than those of other pets. For this reason, cats have a unique grace.

When cats run, their backs stretch and contract to give them a greater range of travel in less time. The shoulder blades of the felines are not attached to the body through the bones, which allows them to make a lot of movements. The forelimbs are attached to the body through the muscles. This allows these animals to be very flexible.

While it sounds incredible, a cat can jump nine times its height. Thanks to the hyperflexible column, cats are able to align themselves when they fall from great heights. For this reason, they are believed to have nine lives.

If you have any other questions about how your pet’s spine works, you can ask your veterinarian. This professional will be able to answer all your questions.

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