What To Do If The Dog Does Not Allow Himself To Be Combed?

What to do if the dog does not allow himself to be combed?

Dogs love their owners madly, of that there is no doubt. But when they see you with a comb, they sometimes run away! It doesn’t matter if you want to bathe them or just give them a brush: they run away constantly. If your  dog does not allow himself to be combed, do not miss our advice.

In this article we will reveal some practical tricks that will allow you to overcome the problem, once and for all. Maybe you use a brush that is too stiff, or you do it by pushing too hard or at an inappropriate time. Whatever the reason, we will reveal how to do it if the  dog does not allow himself to be combed .

What to do if the dog does not allow himself to be combed?

Brushing is an essential part of dog hygiene, because thanks to it, dead hair is eliminated from the coat, which remains clean and shiny, improving its appearance. Furthermore, it also allows for the removal of dead skin cells or what we would call the scalp.

For these reasons, you will need to do everything possible to persuade your dog to let himself be combed. How to do? Simple: you just have to keep reading.

Get used to the comb

If your dog is afraid of the comb, you will have to  get him used to this object. For example, you can place him on the floor and surround him with his favorite cookies or treats. Let him come over, sniff him, and then look for his snacks .

It is possible that once you have eaten all the prizes, you will start playing with the scallop. Don’t force him, let him get close and look for him first. Leave him on the ground, because he must become another of his toys, so that his presence is no longer a source of fear.

Double comb for dogs

Choose suitable brushes and combs

Are you using a suitable accessory? Maybe the comb in your hand is not good for your dog. Buying just any  dog brush doesn’t mean it fits all dogs. Indeed, you will have to choose it based on the size of the dog, the type of hair and the length.

To find the most appropriate one, talk to your vet, who will surely be able to give you the correct instructions. You think that an inadequate comb can damage your dog’s skin and this could be why he runs away every time he sees it.

Comb it at the right time

Once you have found the right brush, don’t make the mistake of chasing the animal to be able to comb it. Hide the comb near your chair or where you usually sit. Then, sit back and wait for your four-legged friend to approach.

In this position, talk to him calmly, caress him and let him relax. When it is totally calm, take the comb out of its hiding place and start using it, softly. Before placing the teeth of the comb or brush directly, you could also simulate its movement, simply using your open hand.

Do you know how a dog combs his hair?

Your dog may not want you to comb it because you don’t do it properly. Perhaps, you do it too slowly for fear of hurting him or, on the contrary, perhaps you push excessively.

Lady passes the brush on the dog's fur

Depending on the dog’s coat, it will need to be brushed in one way or another. Bear in mind that long-haired pets may have annoying knots and brushing too hard will surely cause pain.

Eliminate the knots first

A dog that has knots in its coat can suffer greatly if you try to untangle it too abruptly. It is best to look for the various knots with your hands and untie them one by one, with the help of a thinner comb.

If they are excessively tangled, we recommend using scissors. In extreme cases, when your dog’s fur may have been neglected for months, shearing may be necessary.

Use conditioners and softeners

Whether you brush it only after a bath or even every day, in pet shops you will find various products that are very useful to comb the dog’s hair more easily. They are used to make the comb slide better and make this activity more enjoyable.

It is known that some tasks, especially those related to your pet’s hygiene, can be tedious. As you have seen, if the dog does not allow himself to be combed, with a little patience and putting these simple tips into practice, you can do it without problems.

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