The American Pit Bull Terrier: Faithful And Robust

The American Pit Bull Terrier: Loyal and robust

Are you thinking of getting a dog? What qualities do you look for in him? Whether he is loving, loyal, dependent on you or a dog that protects you and the home? An energetic, obedient and easy to train dog? If you are looking for a dog with all these characteristics, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the perfect candidate to become your best friend.

What are the origins of the American Pit Bull Terrier?

The American Pit Bull Terrier breed was born in the United States with the arrival of English immigrants. In their search for a large watchdog, they experimented with different cross breeding until they got the Pitt Bull and the Terrier. When they arrived in America the Spaniards introduced the Spanish Alans who, crossing themselves with the crossing of Bulldog and Terrier, finally gave birth to the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Some think instead that it was the British who crossed them with the Alans. Before emigrating to America, the British had imported Alani dogs in large quantities from Spain. In addition to being used as a guard dog, the Pit Bull Terrier was used for fighting bulls and following the prohibition of these shows, in dog fighting, as a big game dog and as a herding dog for cattle.

What does it look like?


The American Pit Bull Terrier has a medium sized, rectangular head, flat and broad skull. He has high cheekbones, without creases. The muzzle is broad and square, with large mandibles. The eyes are low and distant, the nose is wide. The set of the ears is high, i.e. they are located on the top of the head and not on the sides. They are straight, short and free of creases.

The neck is muscular, strong, without folds and arched, as well as the back which is short, strong and slightly sloping towards the tail. The tail has a low set and tapers towards the tip. The legs are large, with rounded, straight and vertical bones, rather strong. The paws have arched toes. Overall it is not a very large dog and the male specimen does not exceed 30 kg.

But are we sure he can live with his family?

The American Pit Bull Terrier has a reputation for being an aggressive and violent dog, but it is an undeserved reputation. In reality this breed is affectionate, playful and very patient with children. He lets himself be touched and follows them in their raids. He is a very intelligent dog, but rather stubborn: if he puts something in his head it is not easy to make him change his mind, unless you clearly order the opposite. Nonetheless, it adapts well to changes and is one of the few breeds that can change families and readjust if they feel accepted as an integral part of the new family. As  a faithful and protective dog he will give himself completely to his family, while always keeping a special place for the one he considers his best friend. He is a dog full of enthusiasm, fun and very close to his human family.

What is the best environment for the American Pit Bull?

Being a dog originally used in fighting and herding, it has a restless character and needs a lot of movement. So get them to take long walks and lots of physical activity on a regular basis. His ideal family could be a couple with children older than 14, because that way he could devote more time to him. Young families or families with small children are not for him, both because they will have less time and also because it will cost the dog a little effort to get used to the arrival of a child. In taking it therefore, consider that the more time you can devote to it, the better, as well as the fact that you will have to give it enough energy, since it has to exercise.

In short, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the ideal dog to defend the home, protect your children and have a life and play partner.

He learns very quickly and allows himself to be educated easily, not only for family coexistence (which he should already be taught as a puppy), but also for guarding and fighting. He will therefore be an excellent watchdog and will not defend any space or anyone who takes him on a leash, but only his family and property.

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