Should We Bathe Our Cat?

Should we bathe our cat?

Today we want to answer some frequently asked questions that many cat owners ask themselves, namely “should they be washed?”  There are several beliefs that cats hate water or that they don’t need to bathe. Cats are known  to be very careful about cleaning their bodies, but nevertheless we must still help them with this task.

Even if the cat has a tongue set up for its own cleaning, there are occasions when we should help it with an extra shower. So we at My Pets want to give you some advice on when and how to bathe your cat.

Cleaning of Cats

Cats are very clean animals that devote much of the day to their personal hygiene. The secret of cats is their tongue, which is so rough that it allows them to remove dead body hair and dirt. It works like a real natural brush!

But despite being very clean animals, there are times when they cannot fully take care of their hygiene on their own, so you have to help them, the best thing is to give them a good bath, but you need to know how and when to do it.

When to bathe your cat?

When to bathe our cat

Experts say that because these animals spend so much time licking and grooming themselves, cats should not be bathed frequently. Here are some cases in which the bathroom becomes indispensable:

Excessive dirt

If your cat has been involved in a fight or ran away, it will surely come home dirty, so it is worth bathing it, as there may be toxic substances left in your cat’s fur.

If you are allergic

If you have an allergy or are sensitive to cat allergens, then you need to bathe your cat from time to time to avoid possible allergies.

If the cat is sick

If you have a cat with problems, such as obesity, that prevent him from grooming himself, you will need to help him by bathing him from time to time.

The bathroom becomes essential even in the case of lazy cats who do not clean themselves or who stink.

Skin diseases

It can happen that your cat has a skin disease and therefore needs a nice refreshing bath.

The bathroom for cats

The bathroom for cats

It is preferable to avoid washing your cat, so it is very important to brush it every day, in order to eliminate dust and dead hair.

But if you think your cat urgently needs a bath, go for it.

First, let’s say that not all cats are afraid of water; the best way to solve the problem is to teach the cat to bathe from an early age. After the second month of life you can start washing it.

You will need to have time and patience for the operation to be successful, and you will have to keep everything you need close at hand (shampoo, towels, hairdryer, etc.).

The first baths must be fast, so that the cat gets used to it and does not suffer. While you wash him, try to talk to him and calm him down. Wash it in a large enough container, make sure the water is lukewarm and that the environment is relaxing.

Preferably wash it with a sponge and not with a direct jet of water, but pour it on its body little by little, so as not to scare it. Remember to use a special cat shampoo and conditioner if his coat is very long.

Don’t forget to dry it well with a hairdryer; humidity could promote the appearance of fungi and skin problems.

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