Savannah Cat, Everything You Need To Know

Savannah cat, everything you need to know

Human beings love to play with genetics and often behave like a kind of “god”. An aspect that stands out when it comes to dog and cat breeds that were created from crosses, sometimes a bit questionable. This is the case of the Savannah cat, a hybrid breed created to obtain a feline with a docile character but with a wild appearance. Who wouldn’t like to have a  miniature tiger but with the personality of the most docile of dogs?

Savannah, the cat with wild blood

We can say that the origin of this beautiful cat, large in size, dates back to the 80s of the last century. Its “inventor”, Judee Frank, decided to cross a Siamese cat with another of the African serval type. It was a larger animal with long, thin legs.

To get to the Savannah, however, several breeds were used  :

  • Siamese.
  • Common short-haired cat.
  • Oriental short-haired cat.
  • Egyptian Mau.
  • Ocicat.

And, although in some countries it is illegal to own cats of this breed (as in the case of some American states), some associations have begun to recognize it, as in the case of the TICA ( The International Cat Association ).

A miniature tiger running around the house

The Savannah cat, in addition to its wild appearance, is distinguished by its large size, much more pronounced than that of a common cat. It can measure between 67 and 100 centimeters and weigh between 8 and 18 kilograms. Specimens capable of even reaching 23 kg have been recorded .

an adult Savannah cat lying down

To tell the truth, as the genetic presence of the serval gradually disappears, at present the crossings take place between specimens of the same breed. Therefore, in the future the size of the Savannah will return to the normal size of any domestic cat.

Obviously, from an aesthetic point of view, the coat of this animal is quite striking. Although it is a short-haired animal, the fur shows a background color, ranging from orange to amber, with touches of brown and black stripes and dots. To the touch, it feels like velvet.

In addition, there is a variety called the white Savannah cat , which has a cream or all-white coat of fur, keeping the same pattern with stripes and dots.

As for its morphology, it should be noted that its body is strong and stylized and its legs are slender and agile. The head has a medium size and the eyes are slightly rounded, green, brown or yellow in color. It has large ears and a long, thin tail with well-defined dark rings.

Behavior of the Savannah Cat

If you want to adopt a Gato Savannah, we must warn you that it is not recommended as a pet for people who are new to cats. At the same time, you can rest easy if you have a large family, as this animal can coexist with children without major disadvantages.

Intelligent, curious and lively, they love to jump all over the place and are agile climbers. They often flee to the most unusual places to be able to hunt some small prey. So you will need to carefully consider this aspect, especially if you live in the city.

a Gato Savannah climbing a fence

Active and intrepid, he loves to play with his master and follow him wherever he goes. In general, he shows preference for a single member of his human family and even licks him, as a sign of affection.

Obviously, the generations closest to the serval (the African feline that gave birth to the breed) tend to be less attached and affectionate. Specimens with fewer wild genes in their blood are calmer and their character resembles that of the common cat.

A cat who is in good health

The feeding of the Savannah cat must be of good quality. It is preferable to avoid feed containing cereals or some industrial by-products.

As for hygiene, you will need to brush it from time to time. You may also need to occasionally wipe his eyes with wet gauze.

Of course, you must comply with periodic visits to the vet, as well as vaccinate and deworm your Savannah cat as directed by your doctor.

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