Retired Police Dogs, Mexico Offers Them Up For Adoption

Retired police dogs, Mexico offers them up for adoption

Animals play an important role for law enforcement in all countries. But inevitably, for them too, the time comes to rest. What happens to them once the service is finished? A good answer now comes from Central America. In fact, Mexico has decided that it will give away its retired police dogs for adoption.

The initiative to adopt police dogs in Mexico

The words of Renato Sales Heredia, Commissioner General of the Mexican Police, are interesting. Until now,  retired police dogs adopted by families have  been a very small number. Often it is their human companions who adopt them, but this happy ending does not concern all specimens.

Cani poliziotto in pensione, il Messico li offre in adozione

Mexico’s first generation of retired police dogs are led by Rosty. He is an experienced four-legged lawyer, with nine years of service behind him as well as numerous anti-drug courses, even held in Colombia. As pointed out by federal officer Jorge Luis de Aquino, until now animals were simply removed from active duty (not to say ‘sacrificed’, at the end of their useful life). Fortunately, this is about to change.

Another retired police dog, named Tokyo, was hoping to be adopted by his companion, Officer David Rey Villalobos. The man has two daughters who are very eager to welcome the new four-legged friend and give him all the love he deserves for the years to come. These specimens, beautiful and intelligent, are about 9/10 years old from service, but can still live for at least another 5 or 6.

Tokyo has been Rey’s loyal hound on various and dangerous missions against the drug cartels, even during several gunfights. His specialty? Finding drugs, of course, but also weapons and explosives.

Another case is that of Claudia. It is a splendid black Golden Retriever, faithful companion of NCO Carmen DurĂ¡n for over nine years. Together they investigated more than 30 threats of attacks in 2009. Not forgetting the thwarted attack by organized crime in the main square of the city of Morelia, on the occasion of the celebrations for the independence of Mexico.

The future of police dogs

What happens to dogs that are not adopted by their partners? Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to welcome a pet into the house. Those who will not have the same luck as Tokyo and Claudia will be entrusted to the Mexican Dog Association. This non-profit association works to find a new home for these four-legged heroes. As the director of the association, Manelich Castilla Craviotto, says: ” These are wonderful specimens that have contributed to the security and peace of the country and deserve all our consideration “.

This  status has only now been recognized to dogs, an aspect that will surely increase adoptions and guarantee them a better and longer life. From now on, all those wishing to adopt retired police dogs in Mexico will only have to apply to the Association.

Adopt retired police dogs in Italy

Retired police dogs, Mexico offers them up for adoption

In Europe, Retired Dogs 112  was one of the very first foundations dealing with the adoption of retired police dogs. A project developed in Spain, in the region of Catalonia. And in Italy?

There are many bodies and specialties that use dogs in their operations, in particular the Guardia di Finanza, Carabinieri and Police. It is precisely the Fiamme Oro who have activated, since 2007, a system to  request the adoption of former police dogs.

Today it is still possible to achieve the adoption of these beautiful four-legged heroes in a simple and direct way. In fact, the State Police  has created an updated web page where you can see the dogs available and find all the information and documents necessary to complete the bureaucratic process. Simply visit the page Adopt a police dog and you can welcome  a nice friend to your home, eager to cuddle and who will give infinite affection.

Source of images: and

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