The 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds In The United States

The 10 most popular dog breeds in the United States

Unlike other parts of the world, there is a well-defined list of the most popular dog breeds in the United States.

We are talking about the types of dogs most loved by the overseas population, based on real market research. Most of these dogs are large. Several studies have confirmed that Americans tend to prefer breeds that are considered to be more loyal and protective.

The Labrador Retriever has been at the top of the list of the 10 most popular breeds in the US in recent years. But there are also other very popular dogs among American families that are worth discovering.

If you are a lover of animals, and also of statistics, here are the dogs that more than others you will find in the streets and parks of American cities:

Most Popular Dog Breeds in the United States

1. Labrador Retriever

For many years now, Americans have had their favorite dog: the Labrador Retriever. Often featured in films and television, this is a truly virtuous breed . He is a very gentle, playful, intelligent pet and perfect for keeping you company. They are also tireless workers to such an extent that they are used in a broad category of activities. They are suitable for being with children and have a high level of socialization, which makes them perfect for living with other animals as well.

un cuccilo di labrador sul prato
Author of the photo: Hessyz

2. German Shepherd

There are many Americans who have chosen the German Shepherd as a pet. Together with the Labrador, the wolf dog  has become hugely popular in the country of the stars and stripes for several years . It is a very particular dog, endowed with multiple virtues. Among its main characteristics we find the absolute  fidelity and loyalty towards its master. In addition, they adapt to any type of environment, can be trained to do any job, and possess a very balanced personality.

3. Golden Retriever

Bronze medal for these very intelligent dogs that are characterized by being extremely friendly, as well as playful and confident. Like Labradors, they usually maintain excellent relationships with children and other dog breeds. Their high reliability makes them excellent watchdogs. Why are they so popular in the States ? Surely for their docility and tranquility.

4. Bulldog

The Bulldog is a very patient and tolerant dog . His strong appearance and somewhat lazy attitude make him look tender in the eyes of many Americans. In addition, he is a dog who enjoys good relationships with other animal breeds and loves being around children. It is perfect to keep around the house.

5. Beagle

This is another of the most popular breeds in the United States. While not a hardworking dog like others, the Beagle has many other virtues. He is loving, friendly and will make your family happy. In general, it is a quiet and gentle breed that does not cause major problems indoors.

6. Poodle

It is one of the most famous dogs in the world. Many celebrities choose it as a pet. Not surprisingly, the poodle stands out for its elegant appearance and rather balanced character. He is nice, playful and remains a puppy for most of his life. Remember that he always needs to do sports and physical activity: he will be the favorite of your children.

7. Boxer

This is probably the most popular dog breed in the US that will surprise you least. This animal has always been known for its good character and, above all, because it is  easy to train. We are talking about a dog with a very sweet character and an excellent playmate and adventure companion for the little ones of the house.

8. French Bulldog

This canine breed is characterized by a high level of intelligence and refinement. He is not a dog used to field activities, nor is he physically inclined for hard work. Of all the dog breeds seen so far, it is certainly the cutest and funniest looking one . He is a very fun and friendly pet, and his relationship with people is respectful and balanced.

9. Rottweiler

Penultimate position for what, without a doubt, is neither a friendly nor sweet dog. So why is it among the most popular dogs in the United States? As we have often written in our blog,  there are no a priori bad or violent races. The bad reputation of the Rottweiler, like that of other dogs, is unfounded and is, if anything, the result of inadequate training practices and a careless behavior of their owners. It is a serious, strong and robust animal, perfect for carrying out tasks and working on farms and agriculture.

a rottweiler lying in the countryside

10. Shih Tzu

This dog breed is very distinctive. It is characterized by always being happy and in a good mood. Its mini size makes it perfect if you have children in the house. He is very easy to train and very obedient. Additionally, the Shih Tzu possesses a high IQ, and is always on alert. Its small size does not affect its courage.

Here are the 10 most popular dog breeds in the United States. American families opt for playful, friendly, and easy-to-train pets. In addition, they have in common an excellent ability to socialize both with children and with other animals. They are certainly special breeds and which, with good reason, are advisable for those who have decided to  adopt a dog. They are popular in the United States but, if they are equally famous in many other countries of the world, this is certainly not the result of chance.

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