Chihuahua Saves The Life Of A Giant Dog

Chihuahua saves the life of a giant dog

We currently live in a world where animals are regarded as mere tools or even games in some societies, and are even treated this way by some religions. However, animals are often supportive and able to lend a hand when needed or realize that their help is needed in certain emergency situations.

Particularly famous are the cases of fire in which a dog has put his life on the line without hesitation, to save his owner, the little ones of the house or even a baby from the flames.

Between myth and reality


When we speak of “law of the jungle” we are referring only to part of the truth. Nature is much more than that, and predator attacks occur, in most cases, with the aim of satisfying a food need. However, under normal conditions, the help and cooperation of animals with the human beings who care for them is the usual norm.

Of all animals, dogs are the ones that most often save numerous human lives.

The empathy of dogs towards humans is a fact, as is their perception of the emotional state of the person who is close to them, and the attempt at consolation that they carry out by seeking physical contact.

The maternal instinct is also a source of interaction between animals and humans. The incident involving a child in the Chicago Zoo became famous. The child fell into the gorilla enclosure and they approached threateningly. A female gorilla, however, stood in front of the group, took the baby and carried it to the entrance for rescuers to pick it up.

The case of the chihuahua Carly

In addition, the animals have proven to help each other, as in the story that we will tell you below. Chihuahua dog Carly had been living for a long time with a huge Newfoundland, her friend Silas. One Saturday evening their mistress left them in the garden, because the temperature was quite pleasant.

Soon after, Sharon heard little Carly bark in a frantic, strange and frightening way.

Dogs pamper, protect and help each other

The little dog was aware that barking like that was the only way to save her friend Silas, who was being dragged outward by a stranger who pulled him by the collar. The Chihuahua realized that his small size would not allow him to help his friend, but he could always try to sound the alarm by barking as loud as possible.

Sharon, seized by panic and anger, hit the thief in the face with fury, and he, surprised by the sudden blow and the noise caused by Carly, which brought many neighbors to approach the place, ran away. Sharon immediately called the police and told them what had happened.

Even though Silas was a very large dog and could have reacted, his peaceful, calm character and his serenity and kindness prevented him from attacking the intruder. He was saved only thanks to the prompt action and sense of responsibility of little Carly.

In the nights following the incident, while Silas slept peacefully through the night, Carly moved restlessly around the house, alert and ready to identify any noise, however small, that might pose a threat to her family, and all thanks to his protective instinct.

Chihuahuas, little heroes


Finally, we will mention the story of Jenna and Honey. Little Jenna was playing in her grandmother’s backyard in Canada when suddenly a neighbor’s pit bull jumped over the fence and viciously attacked her. The episode would have ended in a tragic way for the 8-year-old if it hadn’t been for the help of the chihuahua Honey who, seeing what was happening, launched without thinking about the pit bull’s attack, distracting him and thus making it possible. human intervention, gaining precious moments.

Image courtesy of Angie Tarantino.

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